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Posted: 1/27/2011 2:43:25 PM EDT
I have been wondering.

I wonder if the Members of Congress (or State Legislators) that seem to be pushing for extending for their right to carry a concealed firearm are doing so for the "Safety
Factor" or is it because of the number of their contemporaries that can not LEGALLY purchase a handgun under the current rules?

Most of the proposed Legislation I've seen would allow them to use their position as an elected official as a Loophole to avoid the NICS check and the FBI checks on convicted felons, domestic violence and protective orders currently required for a CHL/CCW/CPL/whatever you state calls it.

Just one of those thoughts generated by the firing of random neurons in my otherwise unused mind.


Link Posted: 1/27/2011 3:29:22 PM EDT
that should be obvious to anyone.  We can't subject the Congress to hese oppressive rgulations.  Nothing would get done.  

Floor debate in 1995 when Conservatives began acting as if they would make federal agencies responsible for complying with federal laws.
Link Posted: 1/27/2011 3:33:46 PM EDT
Members of congress need to be subject to every single law they pass.

Otherwise, they lack the correct motivation.
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 7:00:24 AM EDT
Members of congress need to be subject to every single law they pass.

Otherwise, they lack the correct motivation.

I agree, but believe it to be unlikely
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 7:48:35 AM EDT
So what you're saying, is that we need to start a firemission and file Protective Orders against the individuals in Congress so that they get denied the ability to purchase a firearm when run through NICS

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