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Posted: 4/19/2007 4:13:32 AM EDT
well, he probably is!

Durham Judge Keeps Gun in Court, Law May Make it Legal

Posted: Apr. 18 7:44 p.m.
Updated: Apr. 18 8:13 p.m.

Durham — The “No Concealed Handguns” sign on the courthouse door in Durham doesn’t stop Judge David LaBarre from keeping a gun behind the bench.

“I have a little derringer, five-shot derringer,” said the judge, who presides over Domestic Violence Court.

LaBarre has a permit for the gun, but he is breaking the law by having it in the courtroom, according to the Durham County Sheriff’s Office.

But sheriff’s officials said they have no intention of telling him it’s illegal, because it’s his courtroom.

The gun-toting judge might not be breaking the law for long. State lawmakers met Wednesday to debate legislation that would allow judges to carry concealed handguns in the courtroom.

As of late Wednesday, House members were one step away from approving the bill and sending it to the Senate.

Rep. Walter G. Church, Sr., D-Burke, is one of the bill's sponsors.

“This is more of a security measure,” he said.

While LeBarre has never fired the gun in the courtroom, he said he has felt threatened occasionally.

In Northampton County last year, a defendant grabbed a deputy’s gun. He shot a deputy before an officer shot and killed him. But would judges having guns improve courthouse security?

“Not necessarily,” LeBarre said, but, “It might improve my own security.”
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:28:58 AM EDT
What if he just brought in a Sidexside 12 gauge and leaned it up beside him while he was on the bench?
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:48:08 AM EDT
In Georgia, judges are specifically exempted from restrictions on carrying in public buildings. He would be fine here.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:49:28 AM EDT

In Georgia, judges are specifically exempted from restrictions on carrying in public buildings. He would be fine here.

Same in Florida, IIRC.

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:53:47 AM EDT
Lets just give them a pair of suppressed MP5's.  If they can carry in a court house then I should be able too as well.  All equal under the law.  What a bunch of bullshit.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:56:27 AM EDT
Yet more "holier-than-thou" bullcrap.

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:06:12 AM EDT
Actually his actions are completely lawful---you may be debating the illegalities.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:08:12 AM EDT

In Georgia, judges are specifically exempted from restrictions on carrying in public buildings. He would be fine here.

Protected class is protected.  Total BS.

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:19:03 AM EDT
What's a "five-shot derringer" ? Does it have five barrels?
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:24:48 AM EDT

What's a "five-shot derringer" ? Does it have five barrels?

I think he's talking about a J-frame, It sounds like he's associating small with derringer.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:28:09 AM EDT
Yep..His life is more important than any of ours...
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