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Posted: 10/31/2006 9:13:39 AM EDT

You know education, if you make the most of it and study hard you do your homework and you make and effort to be smart then you'll do well. If you don't then you'll wind up stuck in Iraq.

Gee, I always thought that graduates of the Air Force Academy, Naval Academy and West Point were some of the most disciplined students and well educated people in the world.


Edited for accuracy..
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:14:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:14:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:17:20 AM EDT
If you are a coward who marries an ugly bitch you will end up unelectable.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:21:07 AM EDT
Somehow, Karl Rove made him say that.

What a gift to the GOP!
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:21:48 AM EDT
A dupe worth repeating.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:26:32 AM EDT
Yes, because we all know that only slackers and people who can't get real jobs join the military, which is why all military personnel are the lowest form of scum on earth.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:30:12 AM EDT

Somehow, Karl Rove made him say that.

What a gift to the GOP!

Probably, he's already going after Tony Snow and Rush Limbaugh for commenting about it.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:34:45 AM EDT
Typical rhetoric from an elitist liberal scumbag that hates our nation's military.

May a pox fall upon him and the ugly cunt he's married to.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 9:56:56 AM EDT
Dupe or not, everyonr should read his retarded comments.
This quote needs to be played on every commercial should he ever run again.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:03:44 AM EDT
What a POS asshole
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:12:24 AM EDT

You know education, if you make the most of it and study hard then you'll do well. If you don't then you'll wind up LOSING AN ELECTION TO GEORGE W. BUSH.

You know education, if you make the most of it and study hard then you'll do well. If you don't then you'll wind up MARRIED TO TERESA HEINZ.

You know education, if you make the most of it and study hard then you'll do well. If you don't then you'll wind up GETTING PWN3D BY YOUR VERY OWN SWIFT BOAT CREW.

You know education, if you make the most of it and study hard then you'll do well. If you don't then you'll wind up VOTING FOR THE IRAQ WAR BEFORE YOU VOTED AGAINST IT.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:20:28 AM EDT
I'll pray for John Kerry tonight.
And my pray will be that he gets testicle cancer!!!!!1
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:21:13 AM EDT
I'll prey for John Kerry tonight.
And my prey will be that he gets testicle cancer!!!!!1
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:22:04 AM EDT
I'll prey for John Kerry tonight.
And my prayer will be that he gets testicle cancer!!!!!1
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:22:59 AM EDT
Ok I'm an idiot, and too upset to think straight.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:15:32 AM EDT

Ok I'm an idiot, and too upset to think straight.

Just keep hitting the submit button. You'll feel better.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:47:00 PM EDT
Breaking News  

John Kerry just shot what was left of his political life in the head.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:48:49 PM EDT
John Kerry is the best thing that has happened to the Republican Party since Reagan.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:53:32 PM EDT
I only hope that he is the best and brightest the Democrats have to offer in 2008.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:56:25 PM EDT


Ok I'm an idiot, and too upset to think straight.

Just keep hitting the submit button. You'll feel better.

Double-tap Three-shot burst
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:57:22 PM EDT
Hillary is prolbly looking for a gun to shot him with. He's some help to there party.He had better hope the ketchup sale stay brisk. I would hate to see him go hungry (Not).
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:58:02 PM EDT
Can they do any more to hit the self destruct button?  Not that I am complaining.  
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:58:52 PM EDT

If you are a coward who marries an ugly bitch you will end up unelectable.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:59:49 PM EDT


Ok I'm an idiot, and too upset to think straight.

Just keep hitting the submit button. You'll feel better.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 1:10:13 PM EDT
Typical...the asshats at the DU are showing their true colors. Let them lift Kerry up...they'll only sink deeper in their own shit. We need to ship those fuckers to Iraq and see what our "uneducated" troops are doing for them.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 1:12:38 PM EDT
Bill Frist gets the "uber pwnage" of the day:

   While America’s servicemen and women are fighting and dying against our adversaries in the global War on Terror, John Kerry has the gall to criticize their intelligence, their education, and their motivation for service. His comments represent the absolute worst in Democrat scare tactics and present a grave insult to our all-volunteer Armed Forces.

   Senator Kerry clearly owes an apology to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines serving in Iraq. But Mr. Kerry has refused to do so. Instead, he’s claiming that Republicans are “desperately distorting” his comments. Watch the video yourself … it is perfectly clear what Mr. Kerry said … what’s unclear is whether Mr. Kerry ever means what he says. Perhaps he was against his comments before he actually made them.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 1:15:44 PM EDT

Breaking News  

John Kerry just shot what was left of his political life in the head.

Are you kidding? The loony left love his BS.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 1:17:18 PM EDT
But I keep hearing there's no difference between the two parties?

And fuck John Kerry.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 1:31:55 PM EDT

Bill Frist gets the "uber pwnage" of the day:

   While America’s servicemen and women are fighting and dying against our adversaries in the global War on Terror, John Kerry has the gall to criticize their intelligence, their education, and their motivation for service. His comments represent the absolute worst in Democrat scare tactics and present a grave insult to our all-volunteer Armed Forces.

   Senator Kerry clearly owes an apology to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines serving in Iraq. But Mr. Kerry has refused to do so. Instead, he’s claiming that Republicans are “desperately distorting” his comments. Watch the video yourself … it is perfectly clear what Mr. Kerry said … what’s unclear is whether Mr. Kerry ever means what he says. Perhaps he was against his comments before he actually made them.

Holy shit!  That is classic.   Is he a closet arfcomer?
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 1:55:20 PM EDT
OK, I'll be the guy.

Kerry is a fucking scumbag, but I believe him when he says it was a joke aimed at president Bush, not the troops.The quote was preceeded by a series of jabs at the president, some concerning Iraq.

Personally I'm a bit turned off by the republican response to this poor choice of words/poor delivery.

It's not like president Bush has never said something stupid.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:09:56 PM EDT


Bill Frist gets the "uber pwnage" of the day:

   While America’s servicemen and women are fighting and dying against our adversaries in the global War on Terror, John Kerry has the gall to criticize their intelligence, their education, and their motivation for service. His comments represent the absolute worst in Democrat scare tactics and present a grave insult to our all-volunteer Armed Forces.

   Senator Kerry clearly owes an apology to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines serving in Iraq. But Mr. Kerry has refused to do so. Instead, he’s claiming that Republicans are “desperately distorting” his comments. Watch the video yourself … it is perfectly clear what Mr. Kerry said … what’s unclear is whether Mr. Kerry ever means what he says. Perhaps he was against his comments before he actually made them.

Holy shit!  That is classic.   Is he a closet arfcomer?

Yes he is, guess his username.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:12:10 PM EDT
I won't say on a public forum what I think about that moron.

<----- Kerry  

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:14:39 PM EDT

I'll prey for John Kerry tonight.
And my prayer will be that he gets testicle cancer!!!!!1

I'll prey for John Kerry tonight.
And my prayer will be that he gets testicle cancer!!!!!1

I'll prey for John Kerry tonight.
And my prayer will be that he gets testicle cancer!!!!!1

you can say that again!!

(and kerry is still an asshat!)
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:20:37 PM EDT

OK, I'll be the guy.

Kerry is a fucking scumbag, but I believe him when he says it was a joke aimed at president Bush, not the troops.The quote was preceeded by a series of jabs at the president, some concerning Iraq.

Personally I'm a bit turned off by the republican response to this poor choice of words/poor delivery.

It's not like president Bush has never said something stupid.

Whether or not his comments were aimed at the President, his mistake was to hand the Republicans HUGE ammo before the election. Ketchup-breath wasn't thinking. He really really wants to be important and it eats at him.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:28:07 PM EDT


OK, I'll be the guy.

Kerry is a fucking scumbag, but I believe him when he says it was a joke aimed at president Bush, not the troops.The quote was preceeded by a series of jabs at the president, some concerning Iraq.

Personally I'm a bit turned off by the republican response to this poor choice of words/poor delivery.

It's not like president Bush has never said something stupid.

Whether or not his comments were aimed at the President, his mistake was to hand the Republicans HUGE ammo before the election. Ketchup-breath wasn't thinking. He really really wants to be important and it eats at him.

And I'm as pleased as anyone about that.

Maybe the GOP holds the senate because of this, it's going to be so close everything matters.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:29:23 PM EDT

Bill Frist gets the "uber pwnage" of the day:

   While America’s servicemen and women are fighting and dying against our adversaries in the global War on Terror, John Kerry has the gall to criticize their intelligence, their education, and their motivation for service. His comments represent the absolute worst in Democrat scare tactics and present a grave insult to our all-volunteer Armed Forces.

   Senator Kerry clearly owes an apology to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines serving in Iraq. But Mr. Kerry has refused to do so. Instead, he’s claiming that Republicans are “desperately distorting” his comments. Watch the video yourself … it is perfectly clear what Mr. Kerry said … what’s unclear is whether Mr. Kerry ever means what he says. Perhaps he was against his comments before he actually made them.

Now thats classic.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:30:52 PM EDT
There is a lot I could say but I see no point in restating the obvious.
Simply put, kerry is a blowhard, just like Ted Kennedy...they will never lead people but they will always conduct themselves as though they already do. Kerry cant get over himself in the same way that Al Gore cant get out of his own way.

If this is the best that the democrats have to offer then I am saddened that the past few elections have been so close. if republicans are having a difficult time beating people like this in an election, it says a lot about our candidates as well. (at the very least that mainstream America wants liberal assholes in authority)
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:39:45 PM EDT



OK, I'll be the guy.

Kerry is a fucking scumbag, but I believe him when he says it was a joke aimed at president Bush, not the troops.The quote was preceeded by a series of jabs at the president, some concerning Iraq.

Personally I'm a bit turned off by the republican response to this poor choice of words/poor delivery.

It's not like president Bush has never said something stupid.

Whether or not his comments were aimed at the President, his mistake was to hand the Republicans HUGE ammo before the election. Ketchup-breath wasn't thinking. He really really wants to be important and it eats at him.

And I'm as pleased as anyone about that.

Maybe the GOP holds the senate because of this, it's going to be so close everything matters.

I truly doubt that he intended it as a Bush jab, and here's why:   He took a HELL of a long time in "political minutes" to come up with the "oh, I fucked up my script" excuse.   If that was what happened, he would have corrected it immediately.   Hell, I've been personally involved in a campaign where that happened.   Everyone immediately noticed the gaffe, the press got copies of the prepared remarks that were misspoken immediately, and the candidate said "I messed up my delivery, here's what I meant."

All within a half an hour.

Kerry, by contrast, issued a BLOW HARD non denial denial this morning talking about "stuffed suits" who don't have military experience, and then when John McCain (TSOB) -- who does have military credentials -- didn't buy that, Kerry came up with the "oh, it was about bush" excuse.

Even if we take his intended meaning, his follow up press conference today was a gift to the republicans.   Instead of a mea culpa, he got all confrontational with the all to predicable (and for his democratic colleagues, lamentable) result that the final lead up to the election will be about John Kerry's attitudes about the military.

Karl Rove may be a magnificient bastard, but even he could not have hatched a better blow against the Dems.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:43:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:44:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:01:59 PM EDT

Typical rhetoric from an elitist liberal scumbag that hates our nation's military.

May a pox fall upon him and the ugly cunt he's married to.

+1 on the ugly cunt.
Don't buy any Heinze Products either.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:13:16 PM EDT

There is a lot I could say but I see no point in restating the obvious.
Simply put, kerry is a blowhard, just like Ted Kennedy...they will never lead people but they will always conduct themselves as though they already do. Kerry cant get over himself in the same way that Al Gore cant get out of his own way.

If this is the best that the democrats have to offer then I am saddened that the past few elections have been so close. if republicans are having a difficult time beating people like this in an election, it says a lot about our candidates as well. (at the very least that mainstream America wants liberal assholes in authority)

Very well said!
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:20:08 PM EDT


Ok I'm an idiot, and too upset to think straight.

Just keep hitting the submit button. You'll feel better.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:12:09 PM EDT


You know education, if you make the most of it and study hard you do your homework and you make and effort to be smart then you'll do well. If you don't then you'll wind up stuck in Iraq.

Gee, I always thought that graduates of the Air Force Academy, Naval Academy and West Point were some of the most disciplined students and well educated people in the world.


Edited for accuracy..

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:35:58 PM EDT

Anybody got that "Contempt" pic showing the Marine standing there with the look of pure hate while dickhead Kerry is pointing at his medals? I think it said "Contempt, Sometimes you just can't hide it."

My sigline is a quote from a good man who loves his country and supports the Troops who defend it.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:39:16 PM EDT
Unfortunately, Libtards eat that sh*t up he's speaking
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:34:57 PM EDT
You know marriage, if you make the most of it and stay hard, you do your chores and you make an effort to suckup to your rich second wife then you'll do well. If you don't then you'll wind up stuck the Senate instead of the White House.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:13:17 PM EDT


Anybody got that "Contempt" pic showing the Marine standing there with the look of pure hate while dickhead Kerry is pointing at his medals? I think it said "Contempt, Sometimes you just can't hide it."

My sigline is a quote from a good man who loves his country and supports the Troops who defend it.


I never did understand what the fuck he's doing in those pictures.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:27:47 PM EDT
Kerry is a piece of crap and a traitor to boot. ANY US soldier or Marine has more honor than Hanoi Kerry who backstabbed his brothers before congress.
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