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Posted: 5/10/2003 6:42:21 PM EDT
from [url]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=541&ncid=757&e=10&u=/ap/20030510/ap_on_he_me/klingon_interpreter[/url]

[b]Oregon County Seeks Klingon Interpreter [/b]
Sat May 10, 5:43 PM ET  Add Health - AP to My Yahoo!

[b]PORTLAND, Ore.[/b] - Position Available: Interpreter, must be fluent in Klingon.


The language created for the "Star Trek" TV series and movies is one of about 55 needed by the office that treats mental health patients in metropolitan Multnomah County.

"We have to provide information in all the languages our clients speak," said Jerry Jelusich, a procurement specialist for the county Department of Human Services, which serves about 60,000 mental health clients.

Although created for works of fiction, Klingon was designed to have a consistent grammar, syntax and vocabulary.

And now Multnomah County research has found that many people — and not just fans — consider it a complete language.

"There are some cases where we've had mental health patients where this was all they would speak," said the county's purchasing administrator, Franna Hathaway.

County officials said that obligates them to respond with a Klingon-English interpreter, putting the language of starship Enterprise (news - web sites) officer Worf and other Klingon characters on a par with common languages such as Russian and Vietnamese, and less common tongues including Dari and Tongan.


On the Net:

Klingon Language Institute: [url]http://www.kli.org/[/url]

County Human Services: [url]http://www.co.multnomah.or.us/dchs/dv/[/url]

Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:48:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 9:59:04 PM EDT
You gotta be kidding me. Why don't they just send those nutcases to work in the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton.

Link Posted: 5/10/2003 10:16:37 PM EDT
that whole county IMO is like "little california" it is full of liberal idiots.

but that said if thats all they will speak and you gotta talk to em ya do what you gotta do.
Ive never even heard of Klingon but I dont watch Star Trek either.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 11:04:53 PM EDT
Full of liberal idiots is correct. They are making decisions and setting policies that is ruining Oregon's economy. At least they don't have their new Klingon speaker on the payroll. Only pay them when they are called in.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 5:00:00 AM EDT
I am so embarassed by this.

Fortunately, this sort of thing seems to be isolated to the Portland and Eugene area.

Link Posted: 5/11/2003 5:09:47 AM EDT
Yup, here they're whining that there's supposedly not enough money to around and then we hear of this BS. There's a Multco income tax on the ballot for this month, I hope all the subjects in the Portland area hear of this new, important position that the county needs before they fill out their ballots.  I think the inmates are definately running the asylum, and they all have positions on the county commission.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 5:54:57 AM EDT
This pisses me off to no end!  This is MY tax paying dollars going straight down the shitter. I would like to get my hands around the person who needs to speak Klingonese--I could fix that issue really quick!
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 1:54:37 PM EDT
All your jolpat's are belong to us [whacko]
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 2:12:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 12:31:41 AM EDT
[b]County Calls Off Job For Klingon Interpreter[/b]

POSTED: 8:18 a.m. EDT May 13, 2003

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Sorry, Klingon interpreters -- you're not needed in Oregon.

The office that treats county mental health patients in the Portland area included the Star Trek tongue on a list of 55 languages that could be spoken by incoming patients.

The news led to some tongue-in-cheek headlines around the country.

Multnomah County officials now say it was all a mistake, they call it an "overzealous attempt" to ensure that they could respond to all patients.

They say no patient has ever come in speaking only Klingon.

In recent years, Klingon has gone from being a fictional tongue to a complete language, with its own grammar, syntax and vocabulary.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 4:37:54 AM EDT
I picked up the Klingon-English Dictionary when it first came out, to use as a conversation piece on my book shelf.  After reading a page or two, I realized that the time it would take to learn enough syntax and vocabulary to speak at a conversation level, I could reload a couple thousand rounds on a single stage press.  Besides, I don't know any Klingons and I don't eat worms as a snack.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 4:56:32 AM EDT
Dammit, I was going to apply too.
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