We've all seen an increased American interest in energy dependence from the Middle East in the last few years. The developments in Japan involving the full meltdowns of at least three plants, IMO, just guaranteed that people in this country will terrified of nuclear power for the next half century, at least. This assures dependence on foreign oil for at least 50 more years; activists and everyday citizens alike will now surely be against the developments of nuclear energy in this country, despite being a really clean and efficient alternative to the Middle Eastern stanglehold of us currently.
Am I wrong?
What this means is that not only will electricity and fuel become extremely expensive, but the supply of which will be constrained to the point that we will have mandatory blackouts, or be regulated on how much electricity we use at certain times.
This also means that the worlds economic problems are going to get worse as we need cheap, plentiful energy if we are to get back on track. It all falls apart without energy, this is why much of our economic ills started when gas hit $4/gallon.