The left seems bound to take over, the economy's in the dumps, more and more bad news keeps coming from Washington,etc. etc.
But take a minute today to reflect just how good you really have it, compared to the rest of the world.
Here in America, the average poor person has a running car and a color TV. In most of the world, the "poor" aren't even secure in the knowledge that they'll have a meal tomorrow.
I got married last Spring. I'd given up on the idea of marriage, and then a sweet and wonderful woman of my own age came into my life. She lived in Egypt, married to an Egyptian man, for 10 years and she has given me a new perspective on how people live.
Her house wasn't built with running water; it was an older house, built of limestone; the electrical wiring and plumbing was affixed to the walls. Even so, if she wanted enough water to wash, she frequently had to let the water drip into a basin for 10 minutes. Here, she has hot, clean water to cook and wash with, at will.
Food? In her Egypt, Sadat said "We live in a green revolution!" at a time when potatoes cost $100 a bag!
How many of you have had to pay
baksheesh just to get your mail? In Egypt it's common. Here, a postal worker will be lucky if he
only loses his job if he accepts a bribe. And your foreign periodicals aren't opened and "edited" (i.e. articles and entire pages cut out) by the time you get them.
Guns? Yep, they're coming for 'em. And they've been largely successful in preventing many guns from circulating among the common man. But there have been centuries of pro-gun advocates who have put up the legal and moral barriers to total confiscation. In many other countries (Egypt for one), the only guns belong to the soldiers.
And cops? Egypt didn't have cops back then: there was, however, a soldier on every street corner, who had wide latitude in the use of his firearm.
Religion? In Egypt, those of you who are public with your scorn of a personal God would be killed. Even those who profess a Christian God are persecuted and killed. Here, you are free to scorn that God at will, without fear of reprisal.
I've been sort of wandering with this post, but the thought now occurs to me that even when American society deviates from what we consider "the norm," at least we HAVE a "norm" from which it deviates. Many countries today don't even have that. In their lives, they seem to stagger from one cruel dictator to another, crueler dictator.
That norm comes from a common agreement that our dear leaders have tried for many years to eliminate: our Constitution. I've said it before: our Constitution is the source of all law and authority in this country. It is what we should adhere to. And even in the breach, it serves as the rock from which we depart, andto which we may return.
Today, let us be thankful for the things we do have in this country; let us strive to regain those things which we've lost.