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Posted: 7/2/2012 5:33:27 PM EDT
Summer BREAK!!! Was much moar fun when I was the one on break! I have a 6 year old and 1 1/2 year old daughter... now with 100x more pent up energy and not at school for a few quiet hours o the day..

But they sure do have some fun. Brings back memories of two months of causing havoc, swimming, eating, day "missions".

What are your kids doing to pass the glory days?

Required kid eating summer watermelon picture.

With the 4th this week and then on the 7th the USS IOWA opens to the public! I went down and saw her yesterday. Rode right up and parked my motorcycle with in 100' of the gray lady...

By far the sexist thing I have seen in a long time. Can't wait to get all up in that!
Link Posted: 7/2/2012 5:41:31 PM EDT
Shit, almost forgot the rules!!!

Pic of new wife!

(don't tell my current wife)

moar pics of her to come later this week. She looks very good for her age. She cleaned up well.
Link Posted: 7/2/2012 5:42:29 PM EDT
I go to work and leave them at home with the wife all day.
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