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Posted: 8/23/2006 2:10:17 AM EDT
They decided to tell us they're ready to talk now.

God damn, how did the Survival forum not see this coming?

Oh well, I'm going to eat my MRE's and enjoy the post apocalyptic United States. Gotta make the best of a fucked up situation, I say. Between this, the bird flu, SARS, the illegal riots, and all the predicted hurricanes this year, I'm just about sick of bad shit happening.

Anyone else come out of their bunker yet?

Edited: Just read a 1976 article about the killer bees. I wasn't up on this story then (I was only 6), but according to the article, they should be in the midwest US by now. Better get one of those net thingies if you live in the Missouri area. Pronto.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 2:26:40 AM EDT
Yeah, but they were right about global warming, right? My house being at 300 feet elevation, I'm looking forward to my ocean view.      At least until the planets line up again...
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 2:29:48 AM EDT
I'm not going in my bunker until the beer cooler at my local general store is empty and the titty station on my satellite goes down.

I'd better start digging a bunker in the process.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 2:31:04 AM EDT
I hide under my desk
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 3:23:21 AM EDT
I was more worried about IED's and bus bombings here at home than a nuke detonation. I thought a nuke test was a possibility though.

If left undeterred, they will have a nuke someday. Won't be anything to joke about when it gets used. We westerners tend to be complacent about nuclear weapons because historically speaking, if you were a mature enough nation to build one, you were mature enough to manage them and mete out the power they bring. This is not the case with Iran, and it won't be funny when-not if- we get bombed.

Link Posted: 8/23/2006 5:32:43 AM EDT

I was more worried about IED's and bus bombings here at home than a nuke detonation. I thought a nuke test was a possibility though.

If left undeterred, they will have a nuke someday. Won't be anything to joke about when it gets used. We westerners tend to be complacent about nuclear weapons because historically speaking, if you were a mature enough nation to build one, you were mature enough to manage them and mete out the power they bring. This is not the case with Iran, and it won't be funny when-not if- we get bombed.


Keep in mind, I'm all for destroying Iran completely. Only way to be sure.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 8:20:13 AM EDT
Nothing has changed in their position 3 months ago, they're stalling for time:
Apparent Refusal From Iran

Response to Western offer was vague, but showed no desire to halt uranium enrichment.
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