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Posted: 5/7/2003 1:03:28 PM EDT
London - An Italian prisoner who was given home leave for good behaviour asked to go back to his cell after spending less than a day with his wife.

The 40-year-old was given a 72 hour pass by the governor at Vigevano prison, near Pavia in northern Italy.

But within minutes of meeting his wife they had an argument and he called the prison asking to be taken back inside.

A spokesperson at the jail said: "We got a call from him saying he couldn't stand being with his wife and was it possible to go back to his cell. He said he didn't want to spend another minute with her.

"It was a very unusual request as we normally get inmates asking when they can leave and not if they can come in.

"He was told it was not a problem all he had to do was come back and he would go straight to his cell and within an hour he was at the prison gate." - Ananova.com
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Link Posted: 5/7/2003 1:08:41 PM EDT
HOLY SHIT!  I guess the whole ass rape thing is unheard of in Italian prisons.
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