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Posted: 4/19/2017 8:54:00 AM EDT
So I have a buddy on FB who is really into guns, I mean REALLY into guns.

His collection would likely put many here to shame, the guy probably has more ARs than I have AR magazines.  Not cheap stuff either, all LaRue, KAC, LMT, Noveske, most of them all Magpul & Geissele fuqt... really quality stuff.

He is also former military, went to Iraq and Afghanistan as a grunt, and has a pretty good showing in 3 gun competitions.  Not sure what he does for a living now, probably a lawyer or a doctor or something.

All around 'murican guy right?

Not so fast.

Now, he doesn't get on the political soap box very often, but when he does its usually libertarian stuff like taxes and legalized weed.

Well, FB does this thing where if you have a friend that "likes" something on one of their friends' pages, it shows up in your feed even though you don't know the other person.

Lately he's been "liking" a bunch of really fucked up stuff; pro antifa posts, an article about a hunter getting eaten while on a safari,  a bunch of vegan posts about saving the animals, humans are bad, etc.

My question is, is it normal for vegan antifa scum to be stealthily involved in the gun culture?

I find vegans repellent, mainly because they seem to think that an animal life matters more than a meat eater's life.
I mean, this guy by all rights should be firmly in the Liquor Bacon Guns & Tits crowd, but he's now revealed himself to be too much of a pussy to kill and eat meat, despite having done his part to make the grass grow overseas.

My brain is so confused.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 8:57:40 AM EDT
Op eject..
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:00:51 AM EDT
Lol. He just need some "unity" and feeling of "we-vs-them" with very vocal support of each other in "community". Transition to civilian life after PTSD, etc. All this sh*t is very popular now and they use very manipulative rhetoric. So he is just victim of this "people". Like Nam vet turned into hippie instead of Hell Anglels. =)

Just block him and leave him alone.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:02:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:02:56 AM EDT
Two possibilities: he's looking those pages to get access to troll them out to keep tabs on those groups, or he's been compromised and actually believes that crap and has sided with the enemy.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:03:14 AM EDT
Yes. It's a conspiracy. You'd better get it on.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:05:04 AM EDT
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Two possibilities: he's looking those pages to get access to troll them out to keep tabs on those groups, or he's been compromised and actually believes that crap and has sided with the enemy.
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See, I thought it was trolling too, then I thouht really hard and can't recall ever seeing him eat meat
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:05:11 AM EDT
My GFs a vegan and loves guns almost as much as I do.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:07:12 AM EDT
Other than the recent wave of screaming SJW safe space snowflakes, plenty on the left are into guns.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:09:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:10:58 AM EDT
Sure he is not trolling them?
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:11:13 AM EDT
pics of gun collection?
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:13:57 AM EDT
Chances are he only believes in gun rights for himself, know many lefty types like that.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:14:05 AM EDT
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Lol. He just need some "unity" and feeling of "we-vs-them" with very vocal support of each other in "community". Transition to civilian life after PTSD, etc. All this sh*t is very popular now and they use very manipulative rhetoric. So he is just victim of this "people". Like Nam vet turned into hippie instead of Hell Anglels. =)

Just block him and leave him alone.
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Hmm, never even thought about this dynamic....
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:15:39 AM EDT
People have varied beliefs and principles.

I have a female cousin, 40 years old, brilliant engineer, avid shooter, had her CCW permit for at least 10 years now, vegetarian, voted for Obama twice and Hillary, is all about legalizing pot and single payer health care.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:17:08 AM EDT
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Hmm, never even thought about this dynamic....
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Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:27:10 AM EDT
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See, I thought it was trolling too, then I thouht really hard and can't recall ever seeing him eat meat
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Two possibilities: he's looking those pages to get access to troll them out to keep tabs on those groups, or he's been compromised and actually believes that crap and has sided with the enemy.
See, I thought it was trolling too, then I thouht really hard and can't recall ever seeing him eat meat
You know what you need to do...

Link Posted: 4/19/2017 9:31:42 AM EDT
Attention whore.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 10:00:45 AM EDT
Everybody reacts differently to stress.  If he really did help the grass grow over there and found it upsetting, it's not too hard to believe that it changed his perspective on some things.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 4:20:21 PM EDT
So I have a buddy on FB who is really into guns, I mean REALLY into guns.

His collection would likely put many here to shame, the guy probably has more ARs than I have AR magazines.  Not cheap stuff either, all LaRue, KAC, LMT, Noveske, most of them all Magpul & Geissele fuqt... really quality stuff.

He is also former military, went to Iraq and Afghanistan as a grunt, and has a pretty good showing in 3 gun competitions.  Not sure what he does for a living now, probably a lawyer or a doctor or something.

All around 'murican guy right?

Not so fast.

Now, he doesn't get on the political soap box very often, but when he does its usually libertarian stuff like taxes and legalized weed.

Well, FB does this thing where if you have a friend that "likes" something on one of their friends' pages, it shows up in your feed even though you don't know the other person.

Lately he's been "liking" a bunch of really fucked up stuff; pro antifa posts, an article about a hunter getting eaten while on a safari,  a bunch of vegan posts about saving the animals, humans are bad, etc.

My question is, is it normal for vegan antifa scum to be stealthily involved in the gun culture?

I find vegans repellent, mainly because they seem to think that an animal life matters more than a meat eater's life.
I mean, this guy by all rights should be firmly in the Liquor Bacon Guns & Tits crowd, but he's now revealed himself to be too much of a pussy to kill and eat meat, despite having done his part to make the grass grow overseas.

My brain is so confused.
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To be fair, if he's ex-mil, I doubt he's vegan because he's a pussy. He probably just has some philosophical objection. I may think it's foolish, but that doesn't make him a pussy.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 4:26:42 PM EDT
As for the FB stuff, FB will throw up random stuff that a page he likes posts, it doesn't necessarly mean he liked the specific article. It's just the page getting the most out of those advertising dollars.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 4:38:25 PM EDT
There are few vegans who believe in what I do.   I voted Rep every time since Ive been 18, the only thing i dont like about hunting is someone who cant put down animal humanely.  AntifaG needs lead pills, the only good commie is a dead commie.

I have an allergy to beef and dairy as well as celiac, and it pisses me off.  I miss milk and cookies, spaghetti on wednesdays, and hamburgers twice a week.  Pork is too sodium rich and I have eaten enough chicken and Turkey to float a farm that raises them in fucking $ for a year.  I got tired of digestive issues, i had high blood pressure. My food bill is 5 x lower than it was.

Doesn't mean i wont go out of my to kill a deer, or elk to eat.  The store bought meats arent for me.

I also dont give a shit if someone eats animal products, i dont like cooking meat but I do it for my GSD and folks so BFD.  

Vegan for me was a diet change i needed, or i could be on  a big pharmacy list for having multiple drugs to keep me alive like my folks have to.

I know what you are saying OP, vegans a majority of them are activists for commie life.  I would like to have time to troll FB posts and get on the inside.  But I am too busy enjoying watching these types squirm.  

Not tired of winning. MAGA
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 4:53:42 PM EDT
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There are few vegans who believe in what I do.  

I have an allergy to beef and dairy as well as celiac, and it pisses me off.  I miss milk and cookies, spaghetti on wednesdays, and hamburgers twice a week.  Pork is too sodium rich and I have eaten enough chicken and Turkey to float a farm that raises them in fucking $ for a year.  I got tired of digestive issues, i had high blood pressure. My food bill is 5 x lower than it was.

Doesn't  mean i wont go out of my to kill a deer, or elk to eat.  The store bought meats arent for me.

I also dont give a shit if someone eats animal products, i dont like cooking meat but I do it for my GSD and folks so BFD.  

Vegan for me was a diet change i needed, or i could be on  a big pharmacy list for having multiple drugs to keep me alive like my folks have to.

I know what you are saying OP, vegans a majority of them are activists for commie life.
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See, that's the thing, he *does* seem to have a huge problem with hunting.

I've got no issues with someone who won't eat that garbage they sell at the grocery store.  Hell, there's even a diet called "the game plan" where you only eat what you kill.  I get being no-meat for health reasons or even preference.  What I'm not okay with is someone who goes on the whole "meat is murder" tirade.

This guy seems to be openly okay with hunters getting killed in hunting accidents as "good karma" or some such bs, and also has giddy little shit head one liner replies to the pro antifa threads I see popping up time to time.

He's only ever gotten political with me once or twice, and like I said, it was on legal weed and taxes (which doesn't come as a surprise).  But some of the stuff he's been at the periphery of lately... idk, it's kinda moved him from the "difference of opinion" catagory to the "irreconcilable differences" one.

Maybe he has late onset Trump derangement syndrome?
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 5:07:23 PM EDT
There is no reason he can't be all of those things and into guns.

The reason 2a supporting gun owners tend to be Republican is because Democrat politicians (e.g. Pelosi) are usually anti-gun.  This is the same reason gays are usually Democrat (because many Republican politicians are anti-gay marriage).  

I imagine it would be tough to be a single issue voter who has other cares/concerns but is constrained to a party based on that single issue.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 5:12:17 PM EDT
Say the word "sustainable" to him and see how he reacts.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 5:17:11 PM EDT
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Lol. He just need some "unity" and feeling of "we-vs-them" with very vocal support of each other in "community". Transition to civilian life after PTSD, etc. All this sh*t is very popular now and they use very manipulative rhetoric. So he is just victim of this "people". Like Nam vet turned into hippie instead of Hell Anglels. =)

Just block him and leave him alone.
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This Post nailed it.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 5:21:01 PM EDT
I have 3 vegan family members that are all conservative AF and always vote red. They also have shit tons of guns.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 5:27:19 PM EDT
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As for the FB stuff, FB will throw up random stuff that a page he likes posts, it doesn't necessarly mean he liked the specific article. It's just the page getting the most out of those advertising dollars.
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Or, perhaps the "angry" likes appear as "likes" for the purpose of seeing what your friends are reacting to.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 5:40:01 PM EDT
So he has to pick everything from column A and none from B?

Who gives a shit what the guy does with his life, is it impacting yours?
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 2:51:02 AM EDT
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So he has to pick everything from column A and none from B?

Who gives a shit what the guy does with his life, is it impacting yours?
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Pro antifa isn't column B it's more like well if you don't know then you are probably one of them so never mind.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 4:24:11 AM EDT
First there's a difference between vegans and vegetarians.

Vegans are the crazy ones who have to tell everyone they are vegan and are against using any animal product, so no milk or cheese or eggs. Vegans are very much against murdering animals and are generally very anti-gun as guns are only used to kill people and animals. They often also are anti gluten and pro cross fit. 

Vegetarians do it for health reasons only and are otherwise normal people. Most are still ok with fish and milk and cheese and eggs. They could probably go either way with the gun issue. 
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 4:31:50 AM EDT
Op, Hitler was a Vegetarian.     He was also into guns.

Weird people are drawn to weapons, and Government work.  
Have you seriously never noticed that before.

The more you learn about the world, the less you'll be shocked.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 4:32:06 AM EDT
So I have a buddy on FB who is really into guns, I mean REALLY into guns.

His collection would likely put many here to shame, the guy probably has more ARs than I have AR magazines.  Not cheap stuff either, all LaRue, KAC, LMT, Noveske, most of them all Magpul & Geissele fuqt... really quality stuff.

He is also former military, went to Iraq and Afghanistan as a grunt, and has a pretty good showing in 3 gun competitions.  Not sure what he does for a living now, probably a lawyer or a doctor or something.

All around 'murican guy right?

Not so fast.

Now, he doesn't get on the political soap box very often, but when he does its usually libertarian stuff like taxes and legalized weed.

Well, FB does this thing where if you have a friend that "likes" something on one of their friends' pages, it shows up in your feed even though you don't know the other person.

Lately he's been "liking" a bunch of really fucked up stuff; pro antifa posts, an article about a hunter getting eaten while on a safari,  a bunch of vegan posts about saving the animals, humans are bad, etc.

My question is, is it normal for vegan antifa scum to be stealthily involved in the gun culture?

I find vegans repellent, mainly because they seem to think that an animal life matters more than a meat eater's life.
I mean, this guy by all rights should be firmly in the Liquor Bacon Guns & Tits crowd, but he's now revealed himself to be too much of a pussy to kill and eat meat, despite having done his part to make the grass grow overseas.

My brain is so confused.
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I know a few vegans and none are into guns, quite the opposite really.  Anyone I know who is a vegan is a loudly militant, anti-gun idiot.

My neighbor, whom I was once on fairly good terms with, has pretty much outed herself as a crazy leftist PETA supporting vegan.   Hell, on Easter she shared a FB video from PETA of "where your ham came from".  I caught some of it and while wasn't happy with the treatment of the animals in the video was even less happy that she chose that day to share that particular shock video.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 4:58:30 AM EDT
2 thoughts:

I found the part of a hunter getting eaten by animals hilariously ironic.

I don't give a fuck what someone eats, be it rocks or cats...
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 5:20:09 AM EDT
Vegans and the term "normal" are the antithesis of each other.

Link Posted: 4/20/2017 6:04:52 AM EDT
My guess is that he's involved with a woman who happens to be a vegan, antifa supporter, etc.

Pussy is a powerful drug and some guys let it do weird things to them they wouldn't otherwise do.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 6:19:13 AM EDT
Post this and see how he reacts

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 6:24:37 AM EDT
Don't get too caught up with the vegan thing.  I was veg for a year and a half, then finally vegan for three months to lose weight and fix some bad cholesterol and BP numbers.  Politics had nothing to do with the decision making.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 6:55:35 AM EDT
he's talking up some pussy. Maybe he digs that hairy vagina porn.

ETA:beat with the real answer
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 12:38:12 PM EDT
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Or, perhaps the "angry" likes appear as "likes" for the purpose of seeing what your friends are reacting to.
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This. All "reactions" show as "likes" on your FB feed (do some Facebook api development so pretty familiar with it)
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 12:41:16 PM EDT
humans are bad, etc.
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That may actually be self-directed.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 12:43:19 PM EDT
So I have a buddy on FB who is really into guns, I mean REALLY into guns.

His collection would likely put many here to shame, the guy probably has more ARs than I have AR magazines.  Not cheap stuff either, all LaRue, KAC, LMT, Noveske, most of them all Magpul & Geissele fuqt... really quality stuff.

He is also former military, went to Iraq and Afghanistan as a grunt, and has a pretty good showing in 3 gun competitions.  Not sure what he does for a living now, probably a lawyer or a doctor or something.

All around 'murican guy right?

Not so fast.

Now, he doesn't get on the political soap box very often, but when he does its usually libertarian stuff like taxes and legalized weed.

Well, FB does this thing where if you have a friend that "likes" something on one of their friends' pages, it shows up in your feed even though you don't know the other person.

Lately he's been "liking" a bunch of really fucked up stuff; pro antifa posts, an article about a hunter getting eaten while on a safari,  a bunch of vegan posts about saving the animals, humans are bad, etc.

My question is, is it normal for vegan antifa scum to be stealthily involved in the gun culture?

I find vegans repellent, mainly because they seem to think that an animal life matters more than a meat eater's life.
I mean, this guy by all rights should be firmly in the Liquor Bacon Guns & Tits crowd, but he's now revealed himself to be too much of a pussy to kill and eat meat, despite having done his part to make the grass grow overseas.

My brain is so confused.
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For a moment I thought you were making up the "friend" and was really referring to GD considering you mentioned saving the animals, humans are bad, hunter getting eaten, etc.
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