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Posted: 1/2/2003 3:53:23 PM EDT
Is there a way to Search AR15.com? I don't know if I'm overlooking it. I seem to remember being able to search sometime ago.
Link Posted: 1/2/2003 3:58:03 PM EDT
The search feature is gone unless you are a paying member, along with a few other features like my active topics, and spell check.
Link Posted: 1/2/2003 3:59:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2003 4:12:20 PM EDT
Sigh, I guess I need to dig-up a copy of the MO I mailed last summer.  I wonder how many other members sent in money for a membership  and haven't followed-up on it.  I didn't care before, but now without the search, I suddenly do.z
Link Posted: 1/2/2003 4:17:17 PM EDT
As a non paying member: "Searching saves bandwidth.  Because with a search I won't have to spend hours online paging through each page." [;)]

As a paying member.  "The search feature and my active topics alone are worth a 20 dollar bronze membership fee"

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