The media would benefit most from a protracted feud over this, [i]a la[/i] the presidential election and Florida.
The talking heads will milk it and spin it for all it's worth, probably dragging out clips from coverage of past accidents, make a collage retrospective called "Dings - U.S. Military Aircraft Out of Control"
Have they shown up on the doorsteps of the families of the crew of 24 yet? "And just how do you FEEL, Ms. pilot?"
They would probably also exploit the Chinese-American population with interviews of the most radical Asian groups, and round up some teenagers to stage a protest.
Oh yeah, I can see an animated re-enactment / reconstruction of how it might have happened.
Three different scenarios.
Don't forget the retrospective of the P-3 family of aircraft (let's see, sub-hunter, search & rescue, blah, blah)
On the other hand, Colin Powell's inclination will probably be to get it over quickly and quietly, unless he want to use this to rationalize any advanced systems for Taiwan.
Talk about a low-key response - 3 destroyers will hang out for a while. "I fart in your general direction" would be tougher.
What I can't figure out is why they waited and risked a confrontation, when Clinton would have happily let them have one to reverse-engineer.
Interesting thought - how can you really destroy secret equipment on the way down without killing the crew?
Finally, would it not have been worth a few million to see it destroyed on the runway before they could do anything with it?