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Posted: 2/2/2001 10:55:06 AM EDT
Every culture and society throughout time has had religion.  There is something innate in everyone that tells us we come from somewhere.  Can everyone be rihgt and wrong in the same instance?  Why is religion so controversial?
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 10:58:44 AM EDT
C`mon you all, who has the answer to the meaning of life?
As far as I know it all begins and ends with the penis.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 11:09:59 AM EDT
Belief in a "Higher Power" is the common thread of religion. The rest of the rules and regulations were written by men to suit their own purposes.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 11:21:03 AM EDT
Religion and Opinons, Opinions and Religion.  The bottom line is that a persons convictions and beliefs will drive them to do what they do.  And they will believe those things until they die.  Do I believe in a higher power?  Why would a god so kind almost take away my wife and son and put me through the agony I live with everyday?   Was it God who saved my wife and son and maybe if I lived a little better he would help my pain?  NOBODY has that answer.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 12:24:39 PM EDT
There is something that tells us we came from somewhere. It certianly was not a slime pit some billions of years ago. We don't not inherently get "better" over the years we get worse. Just look at the decay of society around us.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 1:28:36 PM EDT
Let's skip to Christianity for a minute. I believe in Christ for a variety of reasons but consider these, 1.Many Apostles were persecuted and put to death yet they stood by their testamony till the end. Why would anyone die for a lie? Remember they were witnesses to the life of Jesus. 2. Modern archaeology has proven many Biblical stories. One example from a couple of years ago is the discovery of the tomb where the firstborn sons of Pharoh Ramses II are buried. Only male remains were found (47 I think). These were the firstborn sons that died in the first Passover. Ramses obviously had many wives and concubines! Read about it in Exodus. 3. Fullfilled prophecies(many) 4. I can't believe that we're all the by-product of a big explosion. This is more rediculous than to believe that a pile of steel, aluminum and plastic could be placed on a charge of C4 and the result would be a bunch of perfect AR's![:)]
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 1:33:56 PM EDT
[b] mere chritianity by c.s.lewis [/b] is a good read for this subject. he actually makes christianity sound locical and natural. also a good source for defining natural and how it has affected cultures
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 1:35:23 PM EDT
[b]mere christianity[/b] by c.s.lewis is a good read for this topic. he actually makes christianity sound logical and natural. it's also a good source for defining natural law and how it has affected culture
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 1:37:37 PM EDT
There's always been two Religions..one is the worship of the Creation, which comes in many disquises:
Sun God Division: Isis, Osiris, Thor, Zeus, Odin, Horus, etc, etc. You still have millions of adherents to this religion around, and you see their sun-god emblems everywhere.

Non-Sun God division: earth worship, pantheists, Witches, Luciferians, etc, ad nauseum

Then there is the worship of the CreatOR, of which there is only one in three persons:God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

There is only one book which claims to have been written by God..the Holy Bible. Way I look at it: I've been chosen to be one of the children of the true God who created all this, and He gave me the ability to understand His Book..and saved me from the consequences of my sins. That's enough for me.

I have no quarrel with anybody who worships the Creation, but that is THEIR problem, not mine.

God Bless!  Fred762

Link Posted: 2/2/2001 1:46:30 PM EDT
Religion is merely an opinion to those who don't have it.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 1:58:57 PM EDT
You want both sides, or just one? If you're looking for a well rounded view point, try reading "Why I am Not A Christian" by Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.


Link Posted: 2/2/2001 2:23:08 PM EDT
NOBODY has that answer.
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God does.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 2:29:48 PM EDT
This is the only response, so far from CA. Does it suprise anyone?
C`mon you all, who has the answer to the meaning of life?
As far as I know it all begins and ends with the penis.
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Link Posted: 2/2/2001 2:48:00 PM EDT
This is the only response, so far from CA. Does it suprise anyone?
C`mon you all, who has the answer to the meaning of life?
As far as I know it all begins and ends with the penis.
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It was meant as a joke, it has the only factual item on this thread.
Religon is a personal topic for some. I believe in the trinity, but I dont preach my beliefs to any, mainly cause most christians are flat out embarrassing.
Recent memories include Baker, Falwell, Swaggert, Benny Hihn(sp). And many christians i know personaly. Hypocricy runs rampant in a religon that calls basic human desires a sin.
Before you tell me how upstanding you are as a christian, I will allow that there are a few upstanding folks, you are the exception not the rule. People have behaved very badly in the name of God.
So if I tried to make light of a situation by making a reference to what we KNOW happens. ie: Penis makes sperm. Man and woman need to procreate with sperm. And death begins in the colon for a vast amount of people (prostate cancer).
Thus it all begins and ends with the penis has some merit if you take the time to understand it. The rest is heresay.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 4:20:22 PM EDT
Actually worship of the weenie was quite commom in prehistoric religions.

Japan has a weenie worship festival every year.



Link Posted: 2/2/2001 4:30:01 PM EDT
I gotta wonder... Were two nukes enough? Why would anyone have a link to this site?
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 4:44:43 PM EDT
Japan has a weenie worship festival every year.
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That's a joke, right?
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 5:07:24 PM EDT
No it's not a joke. If you do a search you'll come up with thousands of links on the subject. I saw a TV documentary about it.

This was in response to rich314's meaning of life!

I think two nukes was enough. It was pay back time for Pearl Harbor and we made our point. Besides I think that's all we had.

Link Posted: 2/2/2001 5:18:03 PM EDT

Nuff said.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 5:23:27 PM EDT
Dickweed, You are starting to impress me with your replies. Where do you find this stuff, and more importantly why? Johnny on Spot award goes to you, I say.
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 5:34:29 PM EDT
Rich314: LOL.

I've been looking for the meaning of life for years!

BTW, my GF insists that all men believe it's in their pants.

As to why, I guess I try to find humor anywhere I can.

Link Posted: 2/2/2001 6:04:21 PM EDT
Is it a belief, an opinion or a crutch??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 6:12:36 PM EDT
---What is faith? We have it defined in God's word, the Bible, in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
---What is the meaning of life?
Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man."
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 6:26:22 PM EDT
What one must do to be saved?
*Hear the gospel- Romans 10:17
*Believe - John  8:24
*Repent - Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38
*confess - Acts 8:37,Matt 10:32-
*be baptized - Acts 2:38,
       Mark16:16, I Peter 3:21
Link Posted: 2/2/2001 6:30:28 PM EDT
*Religion* is an opinion.

One's own spiritualism and relationship with God is the essence.

Link Posted: 2/2/2001 7:08:01 PM EDT
My opinion is KILL 'EM ALL!! LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!!
ooh rah!!
[chainsawkill]           [heavy]

[shotgun]              [rocket]
Link Posted: 2/4/2001 10:54:24 AM EDT
If interested in learning more about religion & the Bible check out www.southavencoc.org
Link Posted: 2/4/2001 4:54:28 PM EDT
I wouldn't know.
I am a re-born again devout fundamentalist ATHEIST.
Don't care, don't want to hear about it.
Link Posted: 2/4/2001 5:12:33 PM EDT
This is the only response, so far from CA. Does it suprise anyone?
C`mon you all, who has the answer to the meaning of life?
As far as I know it all begins and ends with the penis.
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"..penis makes sperm.."  You gotta be kidding, right?

BTW, you're not far off...most creation-worshipping religions DO indeed worship sex act, and the phallus as "god" in this world..sorta subserviant to the sun god, the "bringer of life".

You see stylized phallic symbols all over the place..they call them obaliscs, which can be translated as the .."shaft of the sun-god Baal". They are usually tall masonry shafts of four(rarely 3) sides, topped with 4-sided pyramids. They are seen all over the middle east, having originated in ancient Egypt. There are many in Rome, and there is even a famous one in Washington DC, which BTW has to be the TALLEST structurs in DC.

Link Posted: 2/4/2001 5:31:28 PM EDT
Actually, my religeon believes that all men are free to worship to the dictates of their own conscience! That said i had a guy at work tell me he was a born again christian, so i asked him if he was baptized when he was a child, he said yes, so i explained to him you can't be a born again christian if you've always been a christian in the first place, you just repented![>:/]
Link Posted: 2/4/2001 5:54:02 PM EDT

"..penis makes sperm.."  You gotta be kidding, right?

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Replace 'makes' with 'delivers', thats all.
Link Posted: 2/9/2001 10:02:36 AM EDT
Yes... the more religion has absolute demanding the more is a relative point of view...
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