Sorry to say but many of our fellow Americans have been conditioned from childhood to be government loving socialists. Only when they actually get into the real world after school (high school or college) that many(not all) see that much of what the media, schools etc has been spoon feeding them is a bunch of bull and the real world doesn't work like they thought.
Really people don't give a shit unless something will effect them personally, so unless you impact their wallet or their lifestyle in a bad way they won't care. Even if you do some people refuse to believe that it's happening to them and will continue to believe the bull.
This is why I say the people won't care about the ACA affecting them until they have bank accounts seized from failure to pay the fines, or when grandma or grandpa is on the hospital bed and you get some hospital administrator coming in and telling family that due to the regulations we cannot prolong life or do this procedure due to their age. They think its all free, just like the free money from a tax return
Same reason people aren't up in arms about fuel efficiency standards being stupid ridiculous instead of a balanced approach, it doesn't effect them. Now in 15 - 20 years when they can't buy the truck or car they wanted...
The average person probably doesn't give a shit about guns to the detail we do on this board, but by god they will care when terrorists start killing people en mass in America then they will want a gun...
What about the insane zero tolerance / over regulated society we have become? No one cares about it until it happens to them and they are spending thousands to fight some bullshit in court...
How about electricity rates, yea we want clean air but the extreme of the EPA will make rates skyrocket, and people don't get upset because it doesn't effect them... yet.
Summary TL:DR; Until shit starts effecting people in a personal way no one will care.