Whoa there, dude! I really don't think she was implying anything about individual LEO's, or a blanket statement either.
I'm sure we can all agree that in today's world, information is the weapon of choice. The withholding (sp?) of vital information is really one of the last rights and freedoms we have left.
{Mental Picture: WWII movie with a German dude asking "Papers, please?"}
So it's no wonder, after all the anti-gun rhetoric that the gun community is being exposed to, that any effort to keep track of gun sales will be resisted. Do you actually think that the criminal element will turn in records and receipts of gun purchases?
The only protection the public has against the government is the privacy that we have--which is disappearing at an alarming rate.
The local police department is not the JBT. Nor is every individual ATF agent. Nor FBI. But as soon as some power hungry upper-echelon SHMUCK gets a bug up his/her derierre, individual freedoms get trampled hard and fast. That's when information is at it's premium. If "they" know you have, "they" can come get it. Whoever "they" may be. So, if "they" don't know you have it, "they" can't use it against you.
No, I'm not paranoid, I'm just a realist. We're a dying breed. :)