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Posted: 3/17/2001 8:47:32 PM EDT
Fellow members of Illinois State Rifle Association:

By this time, the considerable strife and rancor within our Board of Directors cannot have escaped your attention. Our election ballot is arriving in your mailbox at this time. It is absolutely urgent that you use your vote to put ISRA back on track and end the fighting and scheming that has been the hallmark of the past year. Remember if 80% of our members fail to vote, as was the case last year, the hostile takeover begun in 2000 may be a done deal in 2001. We recommend you vote for the following:

Executive Vice President
- Carl Kuhn

Board of Directors
- Art Jablonski
- Claude Heale
- Doug Mayhall
- Jerry Litherland
- Jim Warren

But don’t just take our word for it. If you haven’t already made up your mind from what you’ve read in the Illinois Shooter, you will find more background, discussion and endorsements at: www.PreciseGroup.net/ISRAelection

Thank you very much for taking the time to vote in this year’s election and helping to end the fighting, stagnation and deadlock that have plagued ISRA for the past year.

Committee of Concerned Members of ISRA

(To forum members of the other 49 states, we apologize for airing this here. Please bear with us, our plight is dire. Thanks!)

Link Posted: 3/18/2001 3:13:11 AM EDT
Claude, I took care of my ballot yesterday. Count on my support!
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 3:39:41 AM EDT
A link to the url above:


A link to CCRA:


Sort out the BS yourself.

Link Posted: 3/18/2001 4:58:05 AM EDT
I voted for the [b]Vision Team[/b] anyway as I know most of the guys those guys personally.  [b]Major John Birch, Christopher Morley, Dr. Hiram Broyls, Richard Schwahn, Sr.[/b]

For the ISRA to use the Illinois Shooter to influence the election was cheap.

On the lighter side, I guess a truce has been made between John Birch and Richard Pearson.  John wants an active ISRA which fights for rights in IL as we desperately need it.  The division will not help us.

John Birch:

"This morning I spoke with ISRA President Pearson. According to Richard there
is going to be an election (ballots mailed out by the March 15th) and my
name (and Chris Morley's) are on the ballot. President Pearson was not able
to get enough others to withdraw, so the contested election goes on. I don't
know if I have anyone's support or not. I do know my mission is to promote a
concealed carry law and not get myself distracted by political infighting to
no purpose. To the extent that ISRA President Pearson is willing to let me
participate on a concealed carry committee I am pleased to whether on the
board or not."

Link Posted: 3/18/2001 5:08:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 7:11:17 AM EDT
I recommend KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES! And I'll support whomever gets the job done.
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 8:23:10 AM EDT
I live in IL and have never heard of your group. I would like to hear more about it.
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 8:31:36 AM EDT
Recieved my ballot yesterday and will send it out Monday. I am not voting for Mr. Birch or the rest of the Vision Team, but I am pleased to hear that Mr. Birch will continue on with the concealed carry committee and that he and Mr. Pearson will work together.
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 8:35:17 AM EDT
I live in IL and have never heard of your group. I would like to hear more about it.
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Check out the Illinois State Rifle Association:
If you are a gun owner in Illinois, it is highly recommended that you become a member and support this group.
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