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Posted: 8/25/2006 8:48:47 AM EDT
I resigned, and payday came and went. The company owes me about $2200.00. I called them and the said they are looking into it hinking.gif Any legal info on this ?

A lady from the payroll department called me. She said because its my last check from them it went into the mail system yesterday, instead of being direct deposit. Should be here in the morning, we shall see.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 8:55:25 AM EDT
Depends on your state.  I believe California is 72 hours, or something like that.  Also, they can be fined the amount they owe you, per day, until paid.

Call your state's labour board.

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 8:57:25 AM EDT
They have a legal obligation to pay you for the time you worked, whether wages or salary.  If you get no joy soon, call the Department of Labor.  I hear they frown on that. You should have been paid what was owed on payday.

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:06:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:09:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:09:29 AM EDT
Not if they pay you on Friday for the work week ending that very same day.  But that is unlikely.  Look at your last stub.  If it says for week ending 8/11 and your last day was 8/18, they owe you.

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:23:57 AM EDT
If they do not give you satisfaction, go to your State Labor Board, and make sure you have all your documentation....

I did when I was in college, my summer job boss tried to screw me out of my last paycheck...I took in all my stubs and info....

The best part was, he called us "salaried" and paid us for 48 hours worked, because we worked on Saturdays...one saturday due to technical difficulties I couldn't make it in ( a real, legit reason, I wasn't blowing it off) and my pay was docked that 8 hrs...

Labor board guy looked at everything and said...nope, can't have it both ways...either your salaried or hourly...if salary he cannot dock you pay for "hours" missed, if hourly, then he has to pay you time and a half for anything over 40....

It took a while (about 4 months or so after I went in) but I got a whopping big check, since they made him pay me my last weeks paycheck AND all the back overtime for the whole summer. I wish I couldda seen the pricks face when he had to fork over the money to the state! (The check came from the state, not him, so he must have had to pay the state)

Not to mention, they forced him into paying back overtime to ALL his summer help

The guy was a prick, he deserved it....
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:49:55 AM EDT
One thing to be cautious about is any pending performance bonuses as many companies will not pay these out as soon as you give notice, regardless of whether or not the pay out date happens while you are still employed.

I made my numbers and maxed out a monthly bonus (retail) at $1200 for a store manager job that paid $30K a year.  Since I was looking at the time, I had to wait to give notice/accept my new position until they paid up.

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