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Posted: 8/11/2011 11:48:15 AM EDT
If he gets it whether Obama wins or not it will be 4 more years of the same bullshit and I will have given up on the GOP entirely. I don't really side with either....It goes from election to election but after 2010 I really gave the GOP a shot but for me if he gets it the Repubs will never get a vote from me again.....I won't vote Derpocrat but I would really think about registering independent.

Now if Perry gets it its a different story. I'd even look at Paul but Romney Hell fucking no!
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:51:10 AM EDT
You ruined it in the first 6 words of the title.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:54:27 AM EDT
If Romney gets the nomination, I'm going to be depressed.  We'd be fucked no matter who won.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:54:32 AM EDT


You ruined it in the first 6 words of the title.

This. we are fucked

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:56:46 AM EDT
Ha! The GOP doesn't have any brains.
If they did, they wouldn't have sided with odumma on raising the debt ceiling.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:00:17 PM EDT
I won't vote for him.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:00:59 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:01:23 PM EDT
I won't vote for him, but then again I probably won't vote for anyone other than Paul or Johnson (maybe).
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:01:37 PM EDT


Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Hey worked for Bush

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:02:10 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

That's the least of my concerns about him.  Geniuses never get an A - academia is too boring for them.

The fact that he is a big government, globalist, used-car salesmen is more of a concern in my book.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:02:30 PM EDT

Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Hey worked for Bush


Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:03:24 PM EDT
I don't think there's any real difference between democrats and conservatives once you reach the congressional level. Issues like abortion and gun control are just distractions to keep the simple-minded sheep busy while they go about looting the country w/ help from their banker buddies. Look at the new tea party representatives...how many times now have they voted against their campaign platform now that they've reached the top?

Nothing will change until our nation is securely in the gutter...and when real changes do come, whether or not we're left with the United States will be a crapshoot.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:03:51 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Wasn't obunghole a summa cum laude ?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:04:26 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

That's the least of my concerns about him.  Geniuses never get an A - academia is too boring for them.

The fact that he is a big government, globalist, used-car salesmen is more of a concern in my book.

I know that. I was just throwing out more ammo against him. That guy gives me the creeps like a snake oil salesman.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:05:56 PM EDT




Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?
Hey worked for Bush


And O'Bummer was a 'college professor'.


Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:06:36 PM EDT
I don't think there's any real difference between democrats and conservatives once you reach the congressional level. Issues like abortion and gun control are just distractions to keep the simple-minded sheep busy while they go about looting the country w/ help from their banker buddies. Look at the new tea party representatives...how many times now have they voted against their campaign platform now that they've reached the top?

Nothing will change until our nation is securely in the gutter...and when real changes do come, whether or not we're left with the United States will be a crapshoot.

Concur 100%.  Politics is show business for ugly people.  Both Republicans and Democrats have been bought off by Wall Street.  That's why the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed.  That's why the trap TARP was passed by both parties and it transferred the burden of private loss onto the shoulders of the taxpayer.  Any politician not supporting Glass-Steagall is not worth electing.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:09:16 PM EDT




Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

That's the least of my concerns about him.  Geniuses never get an A - academia is too boring for them.

The fact that he is a big government, globalist, used-car salesmen is more of a concern in my book.

I know that. I was just throwing out more ammo against him. That guy gives me the creeps like a snake oil salesman.

Let's go down the list.

Romney (Obama light)

Perry (Not the best choice but he has a few good things going for him.....Conservative, Pro 2nd, Pro border security. I liked his bill regarding abortions)

Bachman(Looney who want's to ban Gay marriage,Pornography) Yep smaller govt alright

Ron Paul (I am still doing the research but he seems ok....But when I look at him I think he is gonna croak any time.)

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:14:26 PM EDT

Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?
Hey worked for Bush
And O'Bummer was a 'college professor'.



O wasn't a college professor. Google it.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:16:43 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

That's the least of my concerns about him.  Geniuses never get an A - academia is too boring for them.

The fact that he is a big government, globalist, used-car salesmen is more of a concern in my book.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:17:03 PM EDT
The only difference between R and D is what battle cry they are screaming while they raid the piggy bank and outlaw more of your civil liberties.

There are only two viable options to save this nation:

1)  Finally elect a non R/D (which is virtually the same thing) like a C or an L.

2)  Violent revolution.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:23:29 PM EDT


Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Albert Einstein flunked out, so what?

You aren't making compelling arguments.  

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:27:13 PM EDT






Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?
Hey worked for Bush


And O'Bummer was a 'college professor'.



O wasn't a college professor. Google it.

12 years as a lecturer at University of Chicago Law School.  You have much to learn (that is my soft way of calling you a DUMBASS).

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:30:50 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

So what you're saying is he was an average student. Big deal.
Oh, and a science major.
My dad's a chem prof (and a C student for his BS degree) and the vast majority of his students get C's. A while ago he started telling his students up front that most of them were going to end up with C's as it crushed their little hearts to not get an A. Often for the first time ever.

If you've got a lot of A's you are either (1)very smart (2)a useless liberal arts major or (3)your school is one of the many that just loves grade inflation.

Anyway, Rick Perry flew C-130s. End of "idiot" discussion.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:35:15 PM EDT
Actually, the Republicans are the more intellectual of the two major parties...what the Republicans lack is spine and balls.

The Dems have spine and balls but are much more driven by emotion...and they have being devious down to a fine art.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:02:28 PM EDT

Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

That's the least of my concerns about him.  Geniuses never get an A - academia is too boring for them.

The fact that he is a big government, globalist, used-car salesmen is more of a concern in my book.

I know that. I was just throwing out more ammo against him. That guy gives me the creeps like a snake oil salesman.

Let's go down the list.
Romney (Obama light) anti gun, pro socialized health care, ect ect
Perry (Not the best choice but he has a few good things going for him.....Conservative, Pro 2nd, Pro border security. I liked his bill regarding abortions) conservative only because the wind blows that way now; was Al Gores campaign manager when the wind blew that direction. I don't trust him.
Bachman(Looney who want's to ban Gay marriage,Pornography) Yep smaller govt alright was a persecutor for the IRS
Ron Paul (I am still doing the research but he seems ok....But when I look at him I think he is gonna croak any time.) Impeccable pro constitutional / pro Bill of Rights voting record for over 30 years


Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:03:51 PM EDT
That's a big "IF".
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:07:55 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Obama was a college professor.  Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar.  Carter graduated 59th of 820 at the USNA.

None of them are worth a flying fuck.

Perry has ran a State that has created 49% of all jobs in this country since 2008.  I'll take a C and D student with a real world record like that over any of the well educated idiots mentioned above.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:09:53 PM EDT


If he gets it whether Obama wins or not it will be 4 more years of the same bullshit and I will have given up on the GOP entirely. I don't really side with either....It goes from election to election but after 2010 I really gave the GOP a shot but for me if he gets it the Repubs will never get a vote from me again.....I won't vote Derpocrat but I would really think about registering independent.

Now if Perry gets it its a different story. I'd even look at Paul but Romney Hell fucking no!

You know, I feel that if we want to have any hope as a country, the GOP will not nominate Perry either.  In fact, everything you said about Romney above, I feel about Perry.  Go figure.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:10:00 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Wasn't obunghole a summa cum laude ?

Where's his school records again?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:40:15 PM EDT
Hey, it's another "O gets 4 more years" thread.

Maybe we should just resign ourselves to that fact.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:50:58 PM EDT
Anyone who signs a permanent assault weapon ban into law is a Treasonus Piece of Un-american Shit.
That fuckstain can go back to Mass.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:52:16 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Because that's the measure of a great man..
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:54:04 PM EDT
Romney = Obama-lite

He is also in favor of the complete destruction of America.

He just can't talk as well as the current POS we have in office.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 1:59:06 PM EDT
So you're saying Romney will get the nod.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:02:21 PM EDT
Obungo was a professor?
I hope it was not in Economics
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:03:45 PM EDT
So who then?
If not Paul, Perry or Bachman?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:06:05 PM EDT


So you're saying Romney will get the nod.

I really don't wanna say yes to that.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:10:16 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Beats the shit out of a statist-liberal like Romney or Pawlenty.  That said Perry and Bachman are by no means attractive candidates on their own merit, but Gov. Johnson or Con. Paul are not going to win.

So we get another Texas Governor who if we are lucky will just be underwhelming and not an abject failure like his like the Texas governor who preceded him.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:11:24 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Because that's the measure of a great man..

Not defending Perry but wWnston Churchill was a 3+ martini a day man.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:11:27 PM EDT
But Perry will
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:15:23 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

I think what he's done after school is a little more important.  I hear Obama got straight A's in law school.  See where that got us?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:16:01 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

That's the least of my concerns about him.  Geniuses never get an A - academia is too boring for them.

The fact that he is a big government, globalist, used-car salesmen is more of a concern in my book.

I know that. I was just throwing out more ammo against him. That guy gives me the creeps like a snake oil salesman.

Perry or Romney?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:20:10 PM EDT
conservative only because the wind blows that way now; was Al Gores campaign manager when the wind blew that direction. I don't trust him.

I think people tend to forget that in 1988, the Southern Democrat Al Gore was totally unlike the VP Al Gore and the post-VP Al Gore.

From Wiki:
During his time in Congress, Gore was considered a "moderate" (he referred to himself as a "raging moderate")[45] opposing federal funding of abortion, voting in favor of a bill which supported a moment in silence in schools, and voting against a ban on interstate sales of guns.[46] His position as a moderate (and on policies related to that label) shifted later in life after he became Vice President and ran for president in 2000.[47]

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:21:30 PM EDT


Anyone who signs a permanent assault weapon ban into law is a Treasonus Piece of Un-american Shit.

We're talking about  Ronald Regian again?

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:27:14 PM EDT
President Bush is better that our current 14 Trillion dollar in debt President.

They call him Zero for a reason....


Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

Hey worked for Bush

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:29:50 PM EDT
"But that's another vote for OBUMMER!  THANKS!!! "

Blaaaah blaaaah blaaaah, that just means you're guilty of perpetuating the bullshit that got us here.  There isn't anyone on either side willing to make the cuts that we need to survive as a nation.

"But they'll ban X, Y and Z if BLUE TEAM gets in."  Ask around and you'll find fewer and fewer believe the government are the good guys.  They are borderline illegitimate now.  Go ahead, ban more.  No one will listen to you, and the push-back will probably get violent.

Consider that a "We're fucked either way" vote, and I can't give a shit anymore until someone shows up on stage that does.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:34:45 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

And what kind of student was Obama, that is right, we don't know because his entire fucking life has been kept secret from the country
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:37:28 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

And what kind of student was Obama, that is right, we don't know because his entire fucking life has been kept secret from the country

Perry was a C and B student.  He had a few D's and one F, but he also had two A's. He wasn't a serious student, because all he wanted to do was study animal science and help his Dad run the family ranch.  Perry didn't start life wanting to be a Governor or President.

People can do a great deal to educate themselves after college in various matters.  College is not the "end all" and "be all" of learning in a person's life and it shouldn't be.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:39:10 PM EDT
Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?

W was not much better in the smarts department and that turkey was nominated twice. I think LBJ and W was quite enough fail from texas for the next couple generations thank you very much.

Meh, we will see how they shake-out in the primaries.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:40:40 PM EDT


Perry was a C and D student. Do you really want him to lead our nation?
Hey worked for Bush
And O'Bummer was a 'college professor'.



O wasn't a college professor. Google it.

12 years as a lecturer at University of Chicago Law School.  You have much to learn (that is my soft way of calling you a DUMBASS).

Being a part time occasional guest  lecturer is not the same as being a college professor.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 2:42:44 PM EDT
Anyone who signs a permanent assault weapon ban into law is a Treasonus Piece of Un-american Shit.
That fuckstain can go back to Mass.

Fuck that, the only time he was ever in MA is when he passed through to be governor. We don't want that libtard rino
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