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Posted: 8/14/2011 2:27:47 AM EDT
Based on the way Im looking at the charts, I could see gold dipping back to as low as 1480 or so and STILL be in an uptrend.  What I try not to do is compare current times to previous times.
So when will this bull market in metals come to an end?  I can only see that happening when the dollar stops going down and more importantly, when the govt stops spending like a drunken sailor.
Neither of which have any hope of happening soon, tea party or not.
I think it was Peter Shiff or Jim Rogers commented once when someone asked him "when will it be time to sell your gold".
He said something to the effect - "when everyone is lined up to buy gold from stores, instead of lining up to sell their gold jewelry"

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 5:22:02 AM EDT
Gold will doubtfully see 1650 again, let alone under 1500
based on the dollars printed in the last 2 years, the rate of inflation on food, fuel, clothing that our GOV seems to have dropped
off the scale of measure,,
I am still very suprised silver has been so flat,
We will see, less it is fixed massive inflation in all goods and services with in a year...
I can not call if were at a Jimmy Carter, LBJ or FDR moment in history..
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 7:59:46 AM EDT
I still believe it will easily hit $1,800 and even up to $2,000.  Morgan Stanley says $2,500.  link
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