If the Republican's proposed any of the ideas that the Democrat Governors are proposing to balance the states budgets the Democrats would scream bloody murder until the cows came home.
Here in Kentucky our Governor implimented an early release program for criminals...apparently without checking if those people were wanted in any other crimes. Since then several of the released criminals have committed serious crimes, were recaptured and were found to other outstanding warrants. WTF.
Then he decided to reduce the services offered by the State Police. Next he's looking to cut education. After that he's going to impliment an additional sin tax on smoking, drinking, and corporations. I guess business is something he is trying to reduce in Kentucky.
Every election cycle the Dems wail loudly about how the Republicans will reduce services and screw education. Now the Dems are doing it at least here in and in California but no one is making a big deal of it. The Dems aren't saying a word and the Republican's don't have boo to say.
Why aren't the Republican's using this to at least show the public that the Dems will not always put people first? The Republican's should be hammering on the Dems left and right to show how they have failed the people and are taking from the people.