Pretty suspicious of kid's story
ETA: Unlikely google would pay so much for an "app." They might pay that much for some technology, so then why call it an "app?" He talks like someone who wants people to think he is successful, not someone who actually is successful.
£ 8.5M in app fees? Maybe, but that would attract an awful lot of attention.. but why would he then not even mention it when he has a reporter's ear? Whole thing seems fishy.
ETA2: Poked around, nothing solid, but I'm relatively sure this is just some rich guy's kid... having a bit of fun "taking the piss" out of folks on the net
ETA3: Not even his dad mentions what the kid actually made
ETA4: I'm putting my stake in the ground... he's the Eric Snowden of childhood success
talks a lot, says very little
ETA5: He's 12, bought his first Ferrari when he was 10, money made from an app created when he was 9? So, his app has basically been on the Google Play store since it opened... but no one knows what it is? OK, complete hoax.