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You and I are not on the same wavelength.
I think it takes strength of character to revel in people getting their just deserts.
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Taking joy in the misery of others....
A great way to invite even worse pain into your own life....imo
You and I are not on the same wavelength.
I think it takes strength of character to revel in people getting their just deserts.
Seeing it played out on an individual scale is one thing. When entire nations are subjected to the consequences of their own folly,
I'm not sure what to feel. Other than "Oh shit. I better start preppin'!"
It's like standing on a beach and watching the tidal wave come in slow motion. At first it's fascinating and marvelous.
At some point, reality takes over and you realize you're about to die.
In my mind, what is unfolding in Europe, from Greece to Germany to Paris, is like seeing the first crest of the tidal wave.
And then the realization that at some point it's going to come crashing onto the shores of the Eastern United States!