Getting my concealed handgun license was always on my "to do" list. An encounter last week with a neighborhood kid who flashed a gun at me (he was arrested later that day for unlawful carry, and resisting search/arrest) put it higher on the list.
As an added bonus, the encounter with the kid got my wife MUCH more interested ni firearms and shooting. She wants a pink pimped-out Glock with "Hello kitty" stickers all over it, but that's a different thread.
There were 3 of us in the class, the teacher wound up carring NINE handguns on his person into class. He was very knowledgable, a good teacher, and a nice guy to boot.
I got 250 out of 250 on the shooting test, my wife got 246/250. You have to be a BAD marksman to fail it, IMHO. Got 80% on the written. Now all I have to do is get some paperwork relating to a 1990 shoplifting arrest(I was a stoopid kid, sorry...) from Iowa, and my application will be in the mail.
Carry on!