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Posted: 2/25/2007 12:38:33 AM EDT
Been smoking for too long. and I'm sick of smoking. I'm tired of buying them. And I'm tired of smelling like smoke.

I've tried the patches,gum,pills,coldturkey,etc
I saw an add for "laser treatment for smoking cessation" never heard anything about it before. Anyone here try it or have had success with another way to quit smoking?

Any info would greatly be appreciated.
Been smoking for fifteen years now and I'm tired of it. And ready to quit.

Link Posted: 2/25/2007 1:26:12 AM EDT
WTF are they going to laser?  A part of the brain connected with addicton?
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 1:29:38 AM EDT
You can hire me to be your consultant.  Every time you go to light up a smoke, I'll just zap you with the Tazer  I think you'd not want to smoke after 2 or 3 zaps.

As far as legit "laser treatment" you speak of, I don't have the slightest clue as to what your talking about.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 1:50:32 AM EDT
Did it about 2 years ago,another waste of money for me.

Doc ran a laser to specific points on hands,head and feet,about a 20 minute treatment.

Then you get little steel ballbearings taped to your ear lobes,if you feel the urge to smoke your supposed to squeeze the area and it takes the urge away.

I made it 3 days...........before I gave into the nicotine crave.

My 20 year habit has me feeling the same way,I wish you the best.Smoking is the hardest to kick.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 1:55:51 AM EDT
Switch to a cigar or a couple cigars a week. I know a few dudes that did that, they were able to quit the cigarettes easily, because when you smoke cigars the smoke from cigarettes smells like crap.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 2:08:51 AM EDT
I smoked for about 12 years before I quit.  I tried zyban, but it really made me moody and didn't seem to help much.  About three days after my "quit day" I was about ready to lose my mind so I got some nicotine gum.  The gum was awesome, so much that I hated to give it up a month or so later when it ran out, but I did.  It took me about a year, maybe two until the smell of smoke no longer made me want to light one up.  Now it disgusts me, and I am an official ex-smoker.  I had to make some lifestyle changes for the quitting to "stick", I didn't go to a bar for a long time, drank only sparingly, and didn't hang out with some of my heaviest smoking friends for a while.  It was worth it.  
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 2:50:41 AM EDT
Sawgunner there is no easy answer to your dilemma. I smoked for 10 years before I decided to quit and I did it for the same reasons that you will do it for. I smelled like shit, I paid way too much and I felt like shit.

I added up what I was paying for smokes for a year. It came to roughly 3000 bucks.

I took my pack and I threw it out the window of my car at 60 miles an hour so I couldnt go back for them. I cleaned every snipe out of my house so I wouldnt cheat. I bought some mint toothpicks and most importantly I got my girlfriend to quit with me.

What kills you are the times when you normally smoke. When you are driving to work. When you wake up in the morning. After a meal. After sex. Your brain tells you that you NEED a smoke at these times and you must have a plan to counteract the craving.
For me the solution was as many pushups as I could muster(Except while driving, that one didnt work out well)

The facts of your addiction are these. You will have no nicotine in your system after 3 days. Your mind will be screaming at you and you will feel like shit. It is all mental man. After 3 days any relapse you have can be blamed on nothing more than you not sacking up and getting the job done. I tried 3 times before I could do it but I did it. I will never go back again. If you have kids take a look at their pictures every time you get a craving and remember that statistically kids who have parents that smoke are more likely to smoke.

Sack up Marine, you have beaten worse than this in your life.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 3:47:02 AM EDT
A friend is trying to quit and went to a doc who recommended some sort of (new) pills. He says they're working so far.

ETA: The post above mine about the mint... The friend also said that they used to have these (fake) plastic menthal cigarettes that were meant for quitting, and they worked.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:05:51 AM EDT
I guess if you get a powerful laser you can burn up the cigarettes with it instead of smoking them.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:15:17 AM EDT
Hmm...  ost
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:15:40 AM EDT
I always respond to these type of threads because I was a smoker for 30 years, I started when I was in the 4th grade.When I finally quit I was smoking 2 packs of Winstons a day.   I, like you tried the gum, patches, and that zyban. Nothing worked. I just didn't have the will power. Some where I heard about hypnosis and made an appointment. I went in for my first of 2 sessions each being 1 hour long. After leaving the first session I got in my truck and drove away feeling like I had never smoked in my life. I never had a craving, nicotine fit or anything.It was like I had never been a smoker. I new as I was driving away from that first session that I found the answer to my smoking problem and that I had smoked my last cigarette for the rest of my life. Four days later I called the hypnotist and canceled my second appointment because I didn't need it. I felt that good. That was in Oct of 2001 and i haven't smoked 1 cigarette since. I am also responsible for 2 family members and 3 friends that I have inspired to quit using hypnosis. It went something like, dam if he can do it so can I sort of thing. I have never been known for my will power hence, if he can do it so can I. So I would encourage anyone who is serious about wanting to quit smoking to look at hypnosis, it worked for me. You have to go in with an open mind, good attitude and a strong desire to quit. If one hypnotist doesn't work for you try a different one. Some are better than others. It was the best 60 dollars I spent in my life. That's right it only cost me 60 bucks. At the time that I quit cigarettes they were 25 bucks a carton and at 2 packs a day it didn't take long for it to pay for itself. Hope this helps and good luck. It's great being a non smoker.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:17:21 AM EDT
Go on a week long camping trip, and don't take any smokes with you...

Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:27:14 AM EDT
I've never heard of the lazer treatment either. I DO know how tough it is for a long time smoker to quit. When I went through a Smokers cessation class while in the military, a doctor gave a speach on nicotine addiction. The doc explained that that nicotine is just as addictive as heroine and your body craves it as the nicotine levels drop in your body. Once you fire up another smoke, your brain releases endorphines (Feel good chemicals) and you're good to go until the nicotine level drops again.

I am now in my eigth week cigarette free using the patch. It hasn't been easy either. I discussed quiting smoking with my doctor and asked for either Zyban or the new drug called Chantix. He decided to give me a prescription for Clonazapam  to take when I have those overwhelming urges to smoke. Using an extremely small dose (0.25MG), the urge subsides enough for me to forget I wanted to smoke.

It's not going to be easy do get rid of this addiction and will take a concerted effort on your part. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor for help.

Some things I did to help cut back before quiting was to make it harder for me to smoke.
1. No smoking in the house. I had to go outside if I wanted to smoke.
2. No smoking in front of others at work. I left my cigarettes in my car at work so had to make a trip to the parking lot if I wanted a smoke.
3. Scheduled cigarettes so I would cut out the "Habit" smokes, such as after dinner, lighting up as soon as I got in my truck, etc...
4. The dreaded (or beloved) morning smoke. I would not allow myself to smoke until after I had my morning coffee. (this was the hardest one to break)

One thing I keep in mind is that I KNOW! that if I pick up even one cigarette, I will be smoking again like before. More reason for me not to. This is my 3rd serious attempt at quiting and hopefully my last.

I've smoked for over 30 years so if I know you can do it! I'm pulling for you brother!
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:32:42 AM EDT
Make an appointment with your Doctor and get a prescription for Chantix.

I have talked to three people that have quit using this new drug, and all three said it works amazingly well, and was very easy.

They told me that you can smoke all you want when you first start taking the meds. After about 7 to 10 days, you just won't have any desire to smoke anymore. And if you light one after your desire for them is gone, they will taste like crap, and you will put it out.

Quitting smoking with no withdrawal symptoms or cravings sounds good to me.
I've tried every other "stop smoking" product. I am going to make an appointment for myself tomorrow, and get my Doc. to give me a prescription.

Here is a link to the Chantix website. (And NO, I am not a rep for the drug company that makes it. Just a 20 year smoker that wants to quit for the same reasons as you.)

Chantix Website

Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:45:57 AM EDT
I quit 7 years ago (I think).  I used Nicorette gum 4mg original for about a year.  I quit 8 to 10 times before that .....but always found some excuse to smoke.  Quitting is a life change....you have to do everything differently.  Your thought process has to change completely, and you must do the exact opposite of your very first action/reaction.  You can do it! Good Luck!  
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:15:58 AM EDT
One of my employees tried the laser treatment to stop smoking. A laser was applied to his earlobe and and the doctor filled his head with a lot of mumbo jumbo.

Although he couldn't even feel a thing, he said the urger to smoke disappeared immediately.

He hasn't smoked for a couple of months and he claims he has had no symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

I didn't want to tell him that the "treatment" was a placebo since it worked so well for him.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 9:46:51 AM EDT
Its blackmagic, bs... The patches work, but you have to exercise some will power on your part, its an additction like any other.

What works for me is to realize that smoking is disgusting (and it is) and think of smokers as disgusting... I know its being kind of a dick, since I used to smoke, but it works for me.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 9:56:41 AM EDT

Been smoking for too long. and I'm sick of smoking. I'm tired of buying them. And I'm tired of smelling like smoke.

I've tried the patches,gum,pills,coldturkey,etc
I saw an add for "laser treatment for smoking cessation" never heard anything about it before. Anyone here try it or have had success with another way to quit smoking?

Any info would greatly be appreciated.
Been smoking for fifteen years now and I'm tired of it. And ready to quit.


First of all  you ain't gonna quit till you want to quit.   I smoked for nearly 40 years, decided I was damned tired of the hacking,coughing,wheezing and in general feeling like shit.

Well over 10 years ago I simply did not take my smokes and lighter to work,   I have never picked a cigarette up since.   Food tasted somewhat funny for a while, but not long.   Can't say that I didn't have the desire to smoke, but I knew it was hurting me and stuck to it.  I sure don't regret it...........wife on the other hand keeps SAYING she wants to give it up, gets various help aids, stuffs 'em on top of the micro wave and they stay there till they turn yellow!....................Point is, she really DOES NOT want to give it up.

Anyway you can do it that works is great, but all those aids are just a crutch and WILL NOT make you stop...........you gotta want to!
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 9:59:21 AM EDT
One day at a time.  The first week is bad but keep telling yourself If I make it to three weeks I've done it!.  Worked for me twice, the last time was almost a decade ago.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 10:43:11 AM EDT
I have two friends who tried the Lazer treatment...Both were/are heavy smokers.So far, one has quit for over a year, the other went back after about 6 months..
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 10:49:22 AM EDT

Make an appointment with your Doctor and get a prescription for Chantix.

I have talked to three people that have quit using this new drug, and all three said it works amazingly well, and was very easy.

They told me that you can smoke all you want when you first start taking the meds. After about 7 to 10 days, you just won't have any desire to smoke anymore. And if you light one after your desire for them is gone, they will taste like crap, and you will put it out.

Quitting smoking with no withdrawal symptoms or cravings sounds good to me.
I've tried every other "stop smoking" product. I am going to make an appointment for myself tomorrow, and get my Doc. to give me a prescription.

Here is a link to the Chantix website. (And NO, I am not a rep for the drug company that makes it. Just a 20 year smoker that wants to quit for the same reasons as you.)

Chantix Website

Huge +1!

I dipped Copenhagen since 14 (27 years), as well as smoking cigarettes and cigars occasionally. I have tried to quit numerous times in the past 10-12 years and couldn't get myself past 12 hours or so without nicotine.

I started Chantix 3.5 weeks ago, and haven't had any nicotine for 2.5 weeks. No withdrawals, no real cravings, and no real side effects from the drug.

This drug has worked amazingly well for me.
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