I always respond to these type of threads because I was a smoker for 30 years, I started when I was in the 4th grade.When I finally quit I was smoking 2 packs of Winstons a day. I, like you tried the gum, patches, and that zyban. Nothing worked. I just didn't have the will power. Some where I heard about hypnosis and made an appointment. I went in for my first of 2 sessions each being 1 hour long. After leaving the first session I got in my truck and drove away feeling like I had never smoked in my life. I never had a craving, nicotine fit or anything.It was like I had never been a smoker. I new as I was driving away from that first session that I found the answer to my smoking problem and that I had smoked my last cigarette for the rest of my life. Four days later I called the hypnotist and canceled my second appointment because I didn't need it. I felt that good. That was in Oct of 2001 and i haven't smoked 1 cigarette since. I am also responsible for 2 family members and 3 friends that I have inspired to quit using hypnosis. It went something like, dam if he can do it so can I sort of thing. I have never been known for my will power hence, if he can do it so can I. So I would encourage anyone who is serious about wanting to quit smoking to look at hypnosis, it worked for me. You have to go in with an open mind, good attitude and a strong desire to quit. If one hypnotist doesn't work for you try a different one. Some are better than others. It was the best 60 dollars I spent in my life. That's right it only cost me 60 bucks. At the time that I quit cigarettes they were 25 bucks a carton and at 2 packs a day it didn't take long for it to pay for itself. Hope this helps and good luck. It's great being a non smoker.