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Posted: 10/25/2010 10:45:52 PM EDT
My best friend has decided that he wants to marry his girlfriend.  He has asked me idea's for how he should ask her to marry him.  

So I decided to come here and see if we can get the creative juices flowing.  

I thought that he could open a fortune cookie and get it wet and then microwave it.  After microwaving the cookie it will be soft enough to take out the fortune and put in a new one.  You then reseal the cookie in its package.  

What ideas do you have?
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:02:17 PM EDT
I am sorry to disappoint, but about the only answers you will find here involve rocket powered armchairs and parachutes.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:03:38 PM EDT
put the ring on his dick and ask for a blowjob.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:04:59 PM EDT
Leave it in the kitchen. She'll find it.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:05:41 PM EDT
Tag for ideas. Got until christmas to find a way.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:27:59 PM EDT


put the ring on his dick and ask for a blowjob.

Ouch... you really think it would fit?

Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:39:04 PM EDT
get a tube, wad the ring up in some cloth, poor gunpowder in tube, put ring in tube, get a rod and pack that shit, add a fuse, light fuse, and shoot it at her from a rooftop.

or have him hide it in his Inkjet Printer.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 11:51:46 PM EDT
when the time came to ask my gf of four years. I had always wanted a lab and she wanted a puppy, didnt matter to her what kind, so i figured i'd get my lab she would have her puppy for the first year anyway. I was going to surprise her with the puppy and have the ring on its collar.

Broke up with me three months before "said plan" was to be enacted.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:14:30 AM EDT
Bump for more ideas.

I know you guys are holding back on me.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:20:35 AM EDT
Go to fancy restaurant and have them take forever to get your food out.

Be late and miss the sunset, but have a flashlight to replace the sun's light.

Take her to a small lake you've never been to with a trail that goes all the way around it.  

Start off in the wrong direction.  

See perfect place to engage on other side of lake.

Tell her to hurry up so that we can make it over there.

Ignore her constant whimpers and moans because of her fear of snakes.

Let her run into a gigantic spider web with very large spider.

She'll get really scared and hyperventilate.

Realize that she's scared shitless and that you'll never make it to that perfect spot.

Drop to one knee and ask for her hand in marriage.

Profit with large amounts of bootie that night.  

*This worked for me, however you're mileage may vary.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:24:30 AM EDT
Whatever you do, make multiple plans because women, like snake are fickle, soul crushing creatures who will destroy any plan you've previously made. I myself had 3 seperate reservations made at restaurants depending on how she felt after work.

Also, be a man and request (IE inform) permission from her parents. It's the gentlemanly thing to do. Hiding rings in food, or alcohol will only lead to misfortune and possible bowel obstruction.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:27:18 AM EDT
Have him pop the question somewhere that marks a milestone in their relationship.  I did it where we had our first kiss.

Mind you, this was Bourbon Street, and the engagement was during the first Mardi Gras after Katrina, so it was a little odd, but it worked out great.

The ideal here is to give her a story she can repeat to high-pitched "awwwwwww"s from her friends.

This serves two purposes... It fulfills the princess-dreams of most women, and lines you up with her friends in case things don't work out.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:37:37 AM EDT
One of my roommates dated a girl for about 9 months and decided to propose.  She always liked going out to a little spot on the edge of a canyon and watch the sunset (canyon to their back).  One day he pretended to be lost when taking a different route to their spot.  They pull up to a place on the other side of the canyon and down a little ways from their spot.  It wasn't until the sun was setting that she realized it was the same canyon, just the other side.  Apparently she just stared at how much having the canyon in the view looked better for several minutes.  When she turned around he was on his knee with a ring.  I think he said he was on his knee for about 4 minutes waiting for her to turn around.  He showed up at the apt the next day and slept all day.  He had a long night.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:46:31 AM EDT
A cousin worked at a theater off campus but associated with a university.  There is a small garden on the corner of the property that his girlfriend liked to wait for him to get off work.  One of the performances was a four man vocal quartet.  After hearing them perform my cousin hired them to wait with him in that garden for his girlfriend to show up (he told his supervisor his plans and got permission to miss the last part of his shift so he could be outside when his gf showed up).  The quartet did an acapella version of one of her favorite songs when she showed up.  He asked her to dance and in the middle dropped to one knee.  Had the wedding in the same garden.  He even hired the same quartet to do a short version of one of her other favorite songs as they kissed after saying their "I do's".
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