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Posted: 3/14/2011 6:29:35 AM EDT
He was a godly man, a physical phenomenon, a prize fighter, a policeman and (for the times) a famous Homicide detective. He was a crack shot, an expert mechanic, a capable electrician and carpenter. He was impervious to pain and discomfort. I once watched him pull one of his own teeth with a pair of pliers. He was no scholar, but was a practical expert on all things Biblical. He did all this with an education something short of the 8th grade.

Yesterday, my mother gave me a copy of an article about him published years ago in the newsletter of a local retirees' association of which he was chaplain.

The article explains that shortly after Pearl Harbor (he had been a beat cop for just about a year on 120741), he went to enlist in whatever branch they'd assign him to. He (naturally) passed the physical with no problem. However, the article says, he was rejected because he was married with 2 children. The article says that "bitterly disappointed" he returned home, joined a reserve Coast Artillery battery, and continued to serve as a peace officer.

He was bitterly disappointed at being excluded from the greatest bloodbath in human history, and found a way to serve anyhow.

In those days, giants walked the earth.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 6:32:09 AM EDT
Real ability is under-rated and

Some people are just a force of nature.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 6:36:46 AM EDT
He was bitterly disappointed at being excluded from the greatest bloodbath in human history....

This sentence made my day, Thank You!
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 6:46:02 AM EDT
Watch the beginning of Band of Brothers when one the Soldiers speaks of 4F's going home and taking their own lives. It was that kind of time. I fear we are heading there again.
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 6:48:24 AM EDT
Did his wallet say "bad motherfucker" on it? I'm pretty sure it did. If not, it damn well should have!
Link Posted: 3/14/2011 8:08:18 AM EDT
Your Grandfather is the epitome of a real man.
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