I was driving down the road on the way home from what was an already rough day of work. I see a Bobwhite quail or VA quail about 2' off the edge of the road with what looked like 8-10 babies, each about 3" tall, not old enough to fly or live without their mother. She flew right into my grill. I hit the brakes and for some reason took off running back to them to "rescue" them. They were/are very well camofluaged(spl?) and scattered into the brush of a very steep hillside.
Well a half hour later and with briar cuts all over my legs and arms I stand there on the side of a busy two lane highway holding one of the babies. I gave him/her to an elderly farmer that lives up the road and is known to have raised some wild homeless animals.
Even though it wasn't my fault I still fell like crap. They will all die including the one I "rescued" I'm sure.
Anyone have a sorta similar sad story?
Edit to add: I just found out that in the event one of the parents die the other will gather up and raise the babies in the world of Bobwhite quails.
Soooooo the only one that will die is the one I "rescued"