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Posted: 4/16/2001 3:53:48 PM EDT
Just thought you all would like to be reminded.

There isn't going to be any SHTF type thing where they decide to take the guns away, but guns will definitely be the first of freedoms that needs to be disposed of. You all have heard the frog in a pot on the stove analogy I know, well it's going to be like that for a while with probably little to no more heat than there currently is, then my grandparents will be gone then my parents generation dies off, confiscation begins with zero to no resistance.

My generation all those younger than me and most of those in between my parents and me are SEVERELY FxUxCxKxExD in the head, they are just going to vote everything away.

We are really messed up folks, ideals include all the classic symptoms, belief that every violent offender needs a "second chance", everybody DESERVES a car, internet access, a house, and freedom from their self-esteem being hurt from a meanie's spoken statement, belief that guns aren't needed because they're violent and there's more important things to consider like the inclusion of curse-words nudity and homo-erotica on network tv so the director can express his "[i]true artistic talent[/i]" (Read:euro-faggypants-poofter-blowboy) belief that legalizing pot is more important a freedom than some silly almost 300 year old piece of parchment and while we're on that well not on it but talking about it anyway, who here thinks pot [i]isn't[/i] legal?? I was into it a lot when I was younger 15 through about 20 and I really think the "man" just doesn't care, I mean I saw pounds and pounds and pounds in my day that were real damn easy to get ahold of, and please do think of the sheer number of those just like me who've seen the same thing over and over, that volume of product just doesn't make it through without people looking the other way, and sure they have their show arrests and convictions (Sadly that guy here in OK is one of those, 90 something years for a joint)to justify their expense, but I have to think, WHAT GOVERNMENT WOULDN'T support the easy access of mass quantities of substances that make people feel good yet simultaneously keep them in a dumbed-down tranquilized state? Anyway back to the point, my people=a buncha freaks and once the 2nd is gone it pretty much goes 4th 5th thru 10th at once then 1st from there. With a plenty of compounded "collosal salary grabs" and "temporary refund adjustments" to pay for everyone's government subsidized computers and cars and homes and monthly pot allowances, screw MK-Ultra we're givin away FREE WEED to these civies.

Thoughts? Most people I know would think I am paranoid, delusional, insane, ammo-caching  living in a unabomber shack freakboy for saying stuff like that, but didn't I just describe them above?
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 9:03:23 PM EDT
I agree with your assessment.  Since I am probably in your parents' generation.  But now is the time to be politically active.  Do you know who are the good-guys in your local/county/state government?  Do you actively campaign for the the pro-gun candidate, and against the anti-gun candidate?
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 1:28:06 AM EDT
I don't think there's any such thing as a "pro-gun" politician they're only 'pro-gun' till they get elected then they fuck us over.  I'd put money on it the GWB does it too.  I think it will come to blows, the only problem being will there be anyone left who will fight for there rights?  The government is in control of your children's minds for 13+ years brainwashing them to believe that the state is good, etc.  We're following the same path as Germany before WWII only this time we're (gun-ownrs) the scapegoats.
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 1:43:12 AM EDT
Its sad but he is probaly right.

Link Posted: 4/17/2001 3:15:10 AM EDT
Sad but true!

Just think about it. The F_____D up generation he speaks about, will someday soon be the Senators, Congressman, and Presidents of this country.

In 20 years or so, America will loose its place in the world as a super power, if not sooner, and become the new third world.

The sad part is that it will do so of it's own free will and the ignorance of the masses. Alot of folks don't want to beleive it is possible. But it is! I hope I'm worng, I really do. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be proven wrong on this one...
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 4:36:28 AM EDT
Sad but true!

Just think about it. The F_____D up generation he speaks about, will someday soon be the Senators, Congressman, and Presidents of this country.
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In case you have forgotten we have already had one from the F____D up generation as our President. This process is not in its beginnings, it is well on its way. The dope smoking, peace, free love, anti-govt, and anti-gun generation is now running this country and has been educating/indoctrinating/brainwashing our children for 15-20 years. We now have to spread OUR message to everyone who will listen and those who won't (if we tell them enough AND make sense about it some of them will come to our side) or we will lose. We have to go out and recruit people to our side just the way the anti's have done. Too many of us will bitch and moan here but that is like preaching to the choir-we have to reach those people who straddle the fence(and there are loads of them who are ALREADY gun owners) and bring them to our side. NEVER GIVE UP.
Finnbear out
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 4:53:17 AM EDT
 I see things a little differently.........
 I see MORE and MORE plain folks waking up every day.  The militia movement is growing larger and larger.  Back in the sixties, the conservatives were in power and the socialists were out, therefore it as cool to be a socialist.  Now that things are reversed, the counterculture is hard core conservative/libertarian.  I do see some sort of confrontation in the future, not necessarily SHTF, but perhaps a second secession.  The rural areas aare still Christian, still conservative, still pro-gun, and will remain so. Idon't know how this will play out, I do know that many of today's young adults believe that they will not be able to live as well as their parents did.  
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 5:38:12 AM EDT
   I tend to see things your way and I think that the Klinton regime has been the catalyst for many plain good folks to wake up and realize the value of the freedoms they are losing. As someone who lives in a rural, predominantly Christian, predominantly pro-gun(?) area I do all I can to remind people of what we have as Americans and that it requires us to WORK to keep it. I am living better than my parents and if I do my job as a parent my kids should be able to have it better than me but this is no easy task. My Dad always said anything worth having is worth working for and I believe this applies to our Constitutional rights. Too many Americans take their freedom for granted-it was given to them and they did not have to work for it so it became less valuable to them and this is sad. Enough of my ranting.
Finnbear out
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 12:00:05 AM EDT
Good point.  Its comming folks, like a runaway train just over the horizion.  But remember, once order is no longer maintained and food no longer majically appears on the table, things will turn around pretty damn quick.  Think the pot-head socialist gun-grabbing butt priates running many of our major cities can accomplish this?  Ha! Keep your ammo dry boys, storms a commin. Were gonna win...
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