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Posted: 7/22/2010 6:11:53 AM EDT
REALLY? GTFO.  dupe?


I-Dosing: How teenagers are getting 'digitally high' from music they
download from internet

Daniel Bates

Last updated at 11:39 AM on 21st July 2010

They put on their headphones, drape a hood over their head and
drift off into the world of ‘digital highs’.

Videos posted on
YouTube show a young girl freaking out and leaping up in fear, a
teenager shaking violently and a young boy in extreme distress.

is the world of ‘i-Dosing’, the new craze sweeping the internet in
which teenagers used so-called ‘digital drugs’ to change their brains in
the same way as real-life narcotics.

Reaction: A teenage boy looks in a state of
distress as he listens to an 'I-Dose'

They believe the repetitive drone-like music will give them a ‘high’
that takes them out of reality, only legally available and downloadable
on the Internet.

The craze has so far been popular among teenagers
in the U.S. but given how easily available the videos are, it is just a
matter of time before it catches on in Britain.

Those who come up
with the ‘doses’ claim different tracks mimic different sensations you
can feel by taking drugs such as Ecstasy or smoking cannabis.

reactions have been partially sceptical but some songs have become
wildly popular, receiving nearly half a million hits on YouTube.

one called ‘Shroom’, Berecz wrote: ‘just listened to this... at the
beginning I began to see some blinking light (while eyes closed), then
the pitch went up and I began to feel that Im sinking into my chair...as
the pitch went down I began to feel confident, and very relaxed, and I
dont want to stand up from my chair and I dont want to say any words...’

everyone is taking i-Dosing seriously - some YouTube videos show young
adults ‘i-Dosing’ on Neil Diamond and mocking the whole phenomenon.

Pain: The I-Dose sensation does not look
pleasant as a girl videos herself writhing

But there has been such alarm in the U.S. that the Oklahoma Bureau of
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs has issued a warning to children not to
do it.

‘Kids are going to flock to these sites just to see what it
is about and it can lead them to other places, spokesman Mark Woodward

He added that parental awareness is key to preventing future
problems, since I-dosing could indicate a willingness to experiment
with drugs.

‘So that's why we want parents to be aware of what
sites their kids are visiting and not just dismiss this as something
harmless on the computer.

‘If you want to reach these kids, save
these kids and keep these kids safe, parents have to be aware. They've
got to take action.’

He added that another concern is that many of
these I-dosing sites lure visitors to actual drug and drug
paraphernalia sites.

Schools in the Mustang area recently sent out
a letter warning parents about the new trend after several high school
students reported having physiological effects after trying one of these
digital downloads.

‘We had never come across anything like this
and anything that is going to cause these physiological effects in a
student, that causes us concern,’ said Shannon Rigsby, Mustang Public
Schools Communication Officer.

I-Dosing tracks have imposing names
such as ‘Gates of Hades’ or ‘Hand of God’ which are ten minutes long -
some sound like a ship’s horn being repeated again and again whilst
others are more abrasive and resemble cheap synthesizers being played
very fast.

Freak out: This teenager screwed up his face and
shook as he listened to a track

But although they use a very modern method of spreading themselves,
i-Dosing is actually a variation on a very old method of achieving an
altered state.

In 1839 German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove
found that two tones played at slightly different frequencies in each
ear makes the listener think they are hearing a quick beat.

called the phenomenon ‘binaural beats’, and it has been the subject of
research in the two centuries since.

Binaural beat therapy is used
in clinical settings to research hearing and sleep cycles, to induce
various brain wave states, and treat anxiety.

Dr Helane Wahbeh, a
Naturopathic Physician and Clinician Researcher at the Oregon Health and
Science University, said: 'Binaural beats happen when opposite ears
receive two different sound waves.

‘And normally, the difference
in sound between each ear help people get directional information about
the source of the sound.

‘But when you listen to these sounds
with stereo headphones, the listener senses the difference between the
two frequencies as another beat that sounds like it's coming from the
inside of the head.’

But Dr Wahbeh denied there was any
possibility that someone could experience similar effects to cocaine or

She said: 'We did a small controlled study with four
people, and we did not see any brain wave activity shifting to match the
binaural beat that people were listening to.’

However, other
researchers say the ‘high’ listeners claim to feel may actually be a
placebo effect determined by the individual’s desire to feet it.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:13:13 AM EDT
Whatever happened to meth?  Kids these days!
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:17:31 AM EDT
You can't get high from listening to sound effects.  

But I'm sure we'll hear about this for months until congress passes another ineffective law with unintended consequences because this is a media wet dream.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:18:23 AM EDT
Damn you, rock-n-roll music!  

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:18:25 AM EDT
tag for ensuing hilarity.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:19:25 AM EDT
That's just 'tarded...

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:20:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:21:08 AM EDT
This reminds me of those kids in Junior High who would drink one sip of beer or smoke pencel shavings because someone told them it was pot and then act "high" for a couple hours because they had thought that they were supposed to be feeling something. All placebo.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:22:49 AM EDT

Dopamine is dopamine.  Whether you get yours from weed, sex, sound, exercise, or speaking in tongues, the effect is essentially the same.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:24:00 AM EDT
I laughed at the faces they made.  Fucking tards.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:24:33 AM EDT
For a minute, I thought I was reading the Onion.

Edit: Read the comments.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:24:48 AM EDT
That is, without a doubt, the most stupid thing that I've read all week.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:25:11 AM EDT
We need somebody to try it and report back.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:29:10 AM EDT
That is, without a doubt, the most stupid thing that I've read all week.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:29:53 AM EDT
That is, without a doubt, the most stupid thing that I've read all week.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:30:52 AM EDT

I started out listening to one ABBA song to get high. I would trip for hours from listening to Fernando just once. But now that my tolerence has gone up I've turned to much harder stuff. Now I've got to listen to at least five Slayer songs just to catch a buzz.  I fear the end may be near.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:33:00 AM EDT
Kids these days.  
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:33:13 AM EDT


For a minute, I thought I was reading the Onion.

Edit: Read the comments.

You mean like this one?: "Made my keyboard smell like hammers."

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:35:03 AM EDT
A couple of idiots started shouting "hope and change" and half our Country lost their minds.

This effect is nothing new...
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:35:21 AM EDT
This reminds me of the kids getting high from huffing shit and piss fumes....
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:36:51 AM EDT
Steve Reich's "Piano Phase"

Steven Reich pulled this off over 40 years ago with two pianos and no electronics.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:37:05 AM EDT
Nothing like a seizure to start off the day
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:37:33 AM EDT
This reminds me of the kids getting high from huffing shit and piss fumes....

Except that actually works.  This is just plain stupid.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:38:01 AM EDT


We need somebody to try it and report back.

try it now...

Binaural beats, me thinks those kids are trolling.  

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:38:12 AM EDT
This reminds me of the kids getting high from huffing shit and piss fumes....

Man Jenkem is way better than that cat pee stuff.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:46:59 AM EDT
Tag for AAR.  
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:51:12 AM EDT
We are fucking doomed. The amount of pure idiocy is overwelming these days.

Anyone got a clip of some white noise i'm jonesing  
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:54:02 AM EDT
Nothing like a seizure to start off the day

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:03:50 AM EDT
This shit is stupid.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:04:51 AM EDT
Whatever happened to the days when a teen would sneak one of dad's PBRs from the fridge and sit in his room the rest of the day listening to  headbanger music.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:05:41 AM EDT
They're doing it wrong.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:07:55 AM EDT
This is going to be an epic HOAX
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:10:24 AM EDT
fucking pussies, shoot some heroin like a real man
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:10:36 AM EDT
this has been around for a little while now. ive heard that it worked from someone but then again they were a pot head
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:41:56 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:44:47 AM EDT
This reminds me of the kids getting high from huffing shit and piss fumes....

Mmmm Jenkem
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 11:04:50 AM EDT
This reminds me of the kids getting high from huffing shit and piss fumes....

Except that actually works.  This is just plain stupid.

I hope that's sarcasm!
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 12:34:09 PM EDT
This reminds me of the kids getting high from huffing shit and piss fumes....

Except that actually works.  This is just plain stupid.

I hope that's sarcasm!

You don't think a person can get high sniffing high doses of methane?  Yup, you can.  I've never done it though.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 1:01:23 PM EDT
This reminds me of the kids getting high from huffing shit and piss fumes....

Except that actually works.  This is just plain stupid.

I hope that's sarcasm!

You don't think a person can get high sniffing high doses of methane?  Yup, you can.  I've never done it though.

No, I was referring to the part about getting high from sound being stupid as opposed to getting high from huffing shit and piss.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 1:06:47 PM EDT
That's old, it's bullshit, and those kids are stupid. I've tried those before, the only thing I got was a headache. YMMV, but I doubt it.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 1:19:16 PM EDT
Sounds like the "brainwave entrainment" crap that some people have been experimenting around with.  These guys had their yurt set up at Toorcamp last year and I hung out in it for a bit.  A coworker said it affected him a bit, but I didn't notice anything at all.  They've got some mp3 downloads available if you want to give them a listen.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 1:31:07 PM EDT
That's old, it's bullshit, and those kids are stupid. I've tried those before, the only thing I got was a headache. YMMV, but I doubt it.


I'm not going to sit and listen to a single annoying note for 12 minutes.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 2:19:09 PM EDT

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:05:33 PM EDT
I've been using brainwave generator on and off for years.  

I uploaded some binaural beats to my Ipod and listen to them while lying down.

ETA:I think I first read about these when I was looking into astral projection.  

The most memorable effect I've had is a feeling of expanding darkness pushing out through the darkness already present beneath my closed eyes.  Kind of like I had just entered a new, darker room.

ETA2:Brainwave Generator
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:09:59 PM EDT
Some of those are pretty crazy actually. There was a site you could download some to try out and listen to. There was one that was just random beaps and stuff, like the old sci-fi space ship kind of beeps. After a while of listening to it, I did get light headed, but I think it was more from my brain trying to comprehend what the hell was going on and why the beeps were so random.  

I write it off as wishful thinking
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:21:53 PM EDT
I used something similar to this when I was trying to have a lucid dream. I eventually had one, was fun, but not worth the nightly bullshit effort of listening to some pulsing crap with some dude saying stuff.

It's all a bunch of bullshit. Two tones playing in both ears to get you stoned is absurd. Your brain doesn't work like that.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:24:38 PM EDT
I laughed at the faces they made.  Fucking tards.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:27:03 PM EDT
This reminds me of those kids in Junior High who would drink one sip of beer or smoke pencel shavings because someone told them it was pot and then act "high" for a couple hours because they had thought that they were supposed to be feeling something. All placebo.

That's an Adam sandler skit, yo.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:27:51 PM EDT
How embarrassing....
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:30:58 PM EDT
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