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Maybe when the average don't give a fuck Joe gets jammed in the ass with Obamacare they'll get off their apathetic ass and develop a deep hatred and start paying attention.
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Just wait until the IRS trays to administer ObamaCare!
The IRS ...WILL..be involved in all our lives.
Talk about .. .total power!
Maybe when the average don't give a fuck Joe gets jammed in the ass with Obamacare they'll get off their apathetic ass and develop a deep hatred and start paying attention.
The way the ACA is setup, the average Joe won't get jammed in the ass. The business man is getting it. Don't provide insurance? Penalty. Provide insurance but someone that works for you goes to an exchange and gets a premium credit for his policy? 3k penalty. 3.8% new tax on investment income (who has investment income? wise people that create wealth), new 0.9% medicare tax on earnings over 200k (250K if MFJ), new 2.3% excise tax on medical equipment, new taxes on certain plans, penalties for not properly notifying employees about coverage, for improper disclosure of information on returns, etc etc etc.
Many folks in America that do not make much will be exempted. Those folks will get medicare or some other gov handout. That crook in the White house said no new taxes on people making under 250k. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What a bunch of schmucks. If you make 100k, you're going to buy the insurance or pay a penalty (tax). So he's FOS.
BTW, there are provisions of the bill that were to take effect in 2010 that are still not in place because they cannot figure out how to implement the regulations. 3 fing years later and they still can't figure it out. This bill is a total mess. The guidance that I pay for from PPC for navigating this atrocity is constantly being updated. Many parts of the bill may be implemented even later.
The exchanges will hire numbskulls to help people determine the appropriate coverage, They will need all of your personal information. Oh, the amount of information reporting for businesses is an utter joke. The monthly calculations for determining if a company has 50 FTE (full-time equivalent) employees will be further burden for employers. The added costs for compliance, the penalties for not providing coverage, the penalties for providing inadequate coverage, the fines for providing incorrect information, the "waivers" for some, none for others the lack of regulations 3 years out for some parts of the law, the added cost to medical equipment; need more? The bill has much more. We are screwed with this thing.