I moved from Michigan to Texas for 2 reasons. First I wanted to get as far away from the snow and cold as I possibly could. Second I wanted to live in a red state with laxed gun laws. Well, so far I have found both in Texas and I have both and I am extremely happy.
However, the job that I took to get to Texas was destined to be short lived. My original employer was well along the path to outsourcing and continued all the road while I was with them. Well, after 6 months I recognized the writing on the wall and I looked for another job (which brings me to the point)...
After a short time searching I was able to find a new job. During the interview process, I made it explicitly clear to my new employer that I had 2 goals. First was to find a job with more stability and second was to stay in Texas (I definately did not want to relocate again, and I definately did not want to take another job with frequent out of state travel like my job in Michigan). The company that I interviewed with understood this fully and assured me that this would not be a problem. They gave every indication that any travel would be short and confined to a very small region. Believing them I took the job.
Well, after only a few days at the new place I found out that I will be going back on the road. Starting with a month in DC. This is almost certainly just the begining. How could they have customers in DC if their regional focus were as they had said? Needless to say I am not at all happy about this. I feel like I have definately been lied to.
In addition this puts me in a very percarious circumstance personally. I have a dog and I am single. What am I supposed to do with my dog while I'm out of town for a month? My Dad lives in TX, now but he lives about an 45 minutes away from me. The best that he could do would be to come by and let her out once or twice a day. That is no where near enough companionship for my dog, and it is an enormous imposition on my father. Maybe I can take her with me to DC. Will they let you fly with a 55 pound dog?
Perhaps I can find a hotel in Northern VA that will let me keep my dog and firearm handy. I just hate the thought of having to commute in and out of DC on a daily basis...among other things.