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Posted: 12/14/2010 12:54:50 PM EDT
I know the finish is not as good as  a S&W, but I want an inexpensive 357 Magnum revolver and the local shop has an early 1990s Taurus for $275.

Should it be reliable in good shape? I don't want to spend more than $300.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:05:01 PM EDT
I have a Taurus 96, their mid frame 22, from that era.  It works.  $275 seems a bit high for a used Taurus.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:07:05 PM EDT
Quality is inconsistent with Taurus revolvers.  FWIW they have a lifetime warranty that is still available to you if you buy used.  

Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:11:26 PM EDT
Mine is an enormous POS.  Still haven't gotten around to sending it off to be fixed so I can sell it.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:12:09 PM EDT
Everything from the 90's sucks.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:14:41 PM EDT
I had a 66 for my first handgun, bought it in 92. it was great, trigger was a little heavy but it always went bang when it was supposed to. I bet I put 3K+ rounds thro it as well.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:26:44 PM EDT
I had a 66 for my first handgun, bought it in 92. it was great, trigger was a little heavy but it always went bang when it was supposed to. I bet I put 3K+ rounds thro it as well.

I think that is what this is, I will have to look again.

Did not know about the lifetime guarantee, thanks.

Everything in this state is expensive because of the laws, it's still have the price of a used S&W and I will shoot it very infrequently and not carry it or use it for home defense so I don't want to spend a bunch of money. They seem to be going for mid $300s on gunbroker.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:32:41 PM EDT
from what I have seen personally with used guns over the years getting sold and traded into us

the 90s and early 00s were a golden age for Taurus

the new guns are rougher than a cob and shoddy  and the  taurus from the early 80s were rough and shoddy
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:38:10 PM EDT


Quality is inconsistent with Taurus revolvers.  FWIW they have a lifetime warranty that is still available to you if you buy used.  

unless it's older than a certain date, in which case they won't honor it.

Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:42:18 PM EDT
Love mine, been 100%

Paid $240

Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:54:58 PM EDT
^ Mine is the model 85 SS from the 1994. It is the .38 Special
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 10:32:32 AM EDT
I just picked it up. Blued model 65 .357 mag  2.5 inch barrel in really nice shape. I paid $250 out the door for it.

thanks for all the info
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 10:38:09 AM EDT
Posting too late, it seems, but I bought a mid '90s Taurus 65 in the mid '90s that was a total POS.  It ended up working in SA only, and after the third trip back to Taurus they claimed they could do nothing more for me.  I think I paid around $275 for it brand new (mid '90s dollars, of course,) which, even with the $ value difference, would make me shy away from the one you snagged.

If anyone else is reading this and comtemplating one, I'd suggest getting a used S&W from J&G for less money and a better gun.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 10:48:55 AM EDT
Oh well.

This one seems to work and is in like new shape. I doubt I will ever shoot it anyway and if I do it will not be a lot. It's not something I bought to carry or go to the range with.

ETA: it was half the price of any used S&W I could find.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 10:57:52 AM EDT
Oh well.

This one seems to work and is in like new shape. I doubt I will ever shoot it anyway and if I do it will not be a lot. It's not something I bought to carry or go to the range with.

ETA: it was half the price of any used S&W I could find.

No real worries if ain't a primary use item I suppose, I just caught a distaste for 'em with my experiences.  As long as you ain't displacing your Glock with it, you should be fine, even if it does turn SA only.
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