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Posted: 1/25/2009 9:27:30 PM EDT
Do you give gifts early or right on the day?

I gave my girlfriend her Christmas present a good month before Christmas and I gave her her Valentines Day present last night.

I just cant seem to wait once I have the gift. Maybe I should work on that.

Just curious how yall are.

Does this need a poll?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:31:43 PM EDT
Do you give gifts early or right on the day?

I gave my girlfriend her Christmas present a good month before Christmas and I gave her her Valentines Day present last night.

I just cant seem to wait once I have the gift. Maybe I should work on that.

Just curious how yall are.

Does this need a poll?

You need to learn the fine art of 'teasing.' This insures more pie.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:32:11 PM EDT
Where's the poll? C'mon, c'mon!
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:42:28 PM EDT
Where's the poll? C'mon, c'mon!

For your polling pleasure I present to you... a poll.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:43:26 PM EDT
I'm going with a solid "depends" on this one.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:53:47 PM EDT
O come on.  I know I'm not the only one.

I'm giving the next present on time though!  I promise!

It fucking kills her not knowing what I got for her
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:59:23 PM EDT
I'm about as impatient as they come.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 10:11:21 PM EDT
I don't give into my patients because I am not a doctor...
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:11:08 PM EDT
I'm so patient that I'm willing to wait 16-18 weeks for parts for my next ar build.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:24:39 PM EDT
Do you give in to your patients and give gifts early?

Not a doctor....
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:26:29 PM EDT
Just stop giving gifts.... problem solved
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:34:11 PM EDT
Hmmm.  Well, my lack of patience is the reason I don't have any class 3.  BUT, I am a procrastinator which means that when I buy a present for someone, I don't have too long to wait, since I bought it the day before.

Damnit, if I buy something for someone I truly care about, and want them to feel good about themself, I just give it to them.  Example is a gun I bought for my oldest son.  Just for the hell of it, I bought it and gave it to him.  This is why I don't like holidays and birthdays.  If someone tells me, "I really wish I had _________......" and I find it, they get it the next day.

Why wait for happiness to fall on a certain day?

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:34:54 PM EDT
Not patient enough to read this if it goes past one page.

Actually i have no problem waiting on things. UNLESS their gun related, then i want them yesetrday. If its for something like christma i can wait because it only comes once a year. But it i place an order through a company just for something i wanted i want it fast.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:37:54 PM EDT
I always have to talk about it, and try to get her to guess, and then when she can't guess I find an excuse to tell her what it is and then give it to her.  This usually happens the same day I receive said gift to give to her.  I'm horrible at the suspense!  I don't feel bad, I hate surprises myself and I figure she must feel the same since she married me
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