Funny you should mention this, because I was being obviously flirted with earlier today by a girl supposedly 18.
Come to find out (by accident, she didn't volunteer it), that in reality she will be 18 on her next birthday. Will be is not 18.
So she lied. To a man old enough to be her grandpa. Yeesh!
Although I don't always look it, I'm 52. It's not like she thought maybe I was just a "mature" young buck.
So, yeah, young girls lie. To men. A lot.
But for the record, not all of them are liars. Another nice young girl likes to chat it up with me and she makes no pretense of being 18. But I've known this one too long for her to fool me anyway.
She's 17 and I've already promised her a nice present on her 18th birthday (about a month from now). I have no clue what to get her. The other girl (liar) ain't gettin' shit from me, ever.