So have you had any problems with non-plated ammo?
The short answer is absolutely not.
It operated flawlessly with everything I fed it which truly surprised me. I expected problems with subsonics but everything worked just fine.
Due to the bad rap many of these smaller pistols get I likely wouldn't have bought it if I couldn't test fire it first with assorted ammo like I was able to do. I was SOLD when I left the range.
Here is a list of what I tested with:
*Remington 22LRHP Subsonic - green box
*Aguila 22 Sniper SubSonic - SSS
CCI 22LR Stinger
Winchester Dynapoint 22LRHP bulk, basic bulk 22 crap
*Federal 22 Gold Medal Target
and my favorite 22 round, supposedly made by CCI but branded as "Quikshok", Hyper Velocity segemented HPs
The * denotes non-plated.
The Quikshok rounds are pre-segmented and have evil-nasty terminal ballistics for "just a 22LR" - the round strips into 3 sharp pieces barely after hitting the victim, tumble, and produce a shallow yet extreme wound cavity rather than a narrow and deep wound as all other 22s. It would mess you up pretty bad, and I consider that round to be the most devastating and dangerous 22LR round. I was sold after watching CCI demonstrate on TV using balistic gel what the results were of segmented HPs vs. standard HP.
Ammo sellers give me a funny look and start to explain how these little 22 rounds are like some kind of armor piercing kop killing South American assassin bullet. "Son, do you know how dangerous these 22s bullets are?"
These segmented HPs are alot more money due to the manufacturing processes - but this is a good round for me most of the time around the back yard as basic defense for anything from evil wildlife on up to actual criminals. I don't target shoot that round except to make sure it's compatible with a firearm. I do leave one mag filled with these rounds, and use the other mag for target/plinking.
The Quikshok segmented HP in a Sig Mosquito is a good combination of a very nice/familiar small arm and niche cartridge without going larger than necessary. After seeing what the round will do, I wouldn't want to get hit by one. Already being familiar with a Sig makes running a Mosquito comfortable like a real semiauto, unlike the feel of a crappy P-22.
In my opinipn, a good shooting Sig Mosquito is a very good tool to own.