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Posted: 8/22/2017 10:27:47 PM EST
So, take into account that the MSM was not as "weaponzied" or in the bag for one party as they are today.

I remember that many predicted a failed one term run.  After one term, it was pretty clear he'd be in office for four more.

Fast forward to today, you'll hardly find anyone who thinks Reagan was a "problem" or that we are worse off....even those who like to tout the phrase "Reaganomics" or "trickle-down....yada-yada" are loathe to admit it was a successful term.

Trump, has his faults (like all men) but possibly goes down a very successful two term President.

I suspect he'll do more good than bad.....in no small part because he at least understand what Americans want.
Link Posted: 8/22/2017 10:30:58 PM EST
Regan was amazing, what with signing away our 2nd amendment rights to machine guns with the NFA.  I don't care how many geezers here want to excuse that, it was bullshit.
Link Posted: 8/22/2017 10:31:41 PM EST
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Regan was amazing, what with signing away our 2nd amendment rights to machine guns with the NFA.  I don't care how many geezers here want to excuse that, it was bullshit.
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Link Posted: 8/22/2017 10:33:32 PM EST
I was just a young lad for Reagan's first term and a bit older for his second. Although reading the history it is a lot like President Trump winning. Who could an actor be POTUS. Just like how could a businessman be POTUS. Both of the inauguration speeches although different carried the same type of message. Make America Great Again. Just different times yet same basic message. All my reading I have never heard of all the people that wanted to assassinate Reagan like we have all these idiot liberals saying about Trump. Time for them to be held accountable for their words before someone takes a shot at him like what happened with Reagan. Although he was mentally ill just like the ones saying that they want to do this to Trump.
Link Posted: 8/22/2017 10:36:17 PM EST
Reagan had a rough first two years.  Cleaning up carters pile of shit.  Trump has eight years of shit to clean.
Link Posted: 8/22/2017 10:39:18 PM EST
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Reagan had a rough first two years.  Cleaning up carters pile of shit.  Trump has eight years of shit to clean.
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There is about 24 years of garbage to clean up.

Well, maybe 28...but the main damage from the extra 4 was taxes that Billy and Jr rolled back.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:51:31 AM EST
The media hated Reagan.  He was stupid, shallow, and was going to get us all killed.  They also hated his wife.

I certainly didn't agree with everything he did, but I have never agreed with any politician on every matter.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:57:02 AM EST
Trumps inauguration speech was outstanding, and definitely not what the entrenched DC swamp dwellers wanted to hear.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:04:58 AM EST
There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:16:10 AM EST
I lived in a military town, the only time I heard anti-reagan stuff was from SNL and some of the media. Everyone in my AO was overwhelmingly supportive and mocking the failed presidency of jimmah cawtaw was a pass time. 

There was no doubt he would get re-elected in anybody's mind. When the media would publish their gibberish it was treated like comedy material.

I guess I lived in a bubble. It was before social media. The recent resurgence of jimmah cawtaw as good in any way is bizarre historical revisionism. He was mocked for decades.

There was a reason Reagan won by landslides. Also school indoctrination was in it's infancy.
The years that followed we're prosperous and there was an overwhelming optimism which you can see reflected in the music TV and movies. 
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:24:50 AM EST
There are some similarities  His mental ability is compromised, he is going to get us killed, he hats poor/black/whatever people, he caused aids

Some of his own people kind of turned on him, they said his family (Nancy in his case) had too much control
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:29:28 AM EST
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
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Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:29:55 AM EST
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Regan was amazing, what with signing away our 2nd amendment rights to machine guns with the NFA.  I don't care how many geezers here want to excuse that, it was bullshit.
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You're looking at that through today's lens. If anyone really cared about machine guns back then, they would have bought one. They certainly were relatively cheap. Even after May 86 people still didn't buy them, not in huge numbers.

The fact of the matter is, back then, most gun owners didn't care about machine guns so it was a decent trade for FOPA. Back then.

It's easy to look back today, with 25k M16s, and say we were sold out but back in the days when a DIAS or LL could be had for the price of the transfer and no one was buying...
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:32:02 AM EST
You know, I was thinking the same thing last November.  Not since Reagan has the media flipped it's shit so badly.  I took it then, and take it now, to be a good thing.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:38:12 AM EST
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Regan was amazing, what with signing away our 2nd amendment rights to machine guns with the NFA.  I don't care how many geezers here want to excuse that, it was bullshit.
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Slow down there scooter.  The 1986 FOPA was in response to some of the growning abuses born out of the 1968 GCA.

The machine gun ban is bullshit, but do some more research into how that slipped into the bill.

Do you have to show ID or fill out a 4473 to buy ammunition? No.
Can you buy ammunition over the Internet?  Yes.
Are you commiting a crime for "passing through" a ban state with your firearm? No.

You can thank Reagan for that.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:39:55 AM EST
I remember distinctly how Reagan was excoriated for the first two years as his economic policies took hold. By 1983 it was obvious things were booming, and in 1984 Mondale managed to carry, barely, his home state.

I expect to see a repeat.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:41:27 AM EST
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Regan was amazing, what with signing away our 2nd amendment rights to machine guns with the NFA.  I don't care how many geezers here want to excuse that, it was bullshit.
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Two laws went away with FOPA that were far more important for gun owners than machine gun:

1) Record-keeping requirement for ammunition sales

2) Intra and inter-state shipping of ammunition

People either forget or are too young to remember that ammunition sales were recorded, and that they couldn't be shipped.  Doing away with those laws allowed a phenomenal increase in cheap, unrecorded sales of ammunition.  This is far a more important  restoration of rights than machine guns.

ETA:  Covered by orpheus762x51
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:46:04 AM EST
Remember impending doom in the sky after he fired the air-traffic controllers.
On Aug. 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 air traffic controllers after a two-day strike.
“You had a president who was new to the office and not taken seriously by a lot of people. It showed a decisiveness and an ease with his instincts ....”
Trump parallel, don't know bout that.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:52:34 AM EST
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I remember distinctly how Reagan was excoriated for the first two years as his economic policies took hold. By 1983 it was obvious things were booming, and in 1984 Mondale managed to carry, barely, his home state.
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I remember distinctly how Reagan was excoriated for the first two years as his economic policies took hold. By 1983 it was obvious things were booming, and in 1984 Mondale managed to carry, barely, his home state.
I remember that too, not quite the constant blast of negative reporting but similar. Some of that is Trumps fault for dumping fuel on the fire all the time. Back in the 80s, the impression the media gave was that Reagan was an imbecile and everybody hated him, but none of the populace shared that view.
I expect to see a repeat.
If Trump would reign in his ego and concentrate on the economy, health care and tax reform, yeah, could happen.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:54:00 AM EST
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The media hated Reagan.  He was stupid, shallow, and was going to get us all killed.  They also hated his wife.

I certainly didn't agree with everything he did, but I have never agreed with any politician on every matter.
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They hated him so much didnt jane fucking fonda make a movie ripping her recently?  

The press has been full of itself since they took down nixon.  What surprised me was how effective W was at pushing his agenda right out of the gate.  It usually takes a president months or even years to really hit their stride.  Whether you liked or agreed with him or not, W picked his fights well and usually won them.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 6:56:25 AM EST
Trump, has his faults (like all men) but possibly goes down a very successful two term President.
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clownshoes is not Reagan.

he doesn't even have the support of his own party and constantly polarizing any support he might have had.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:00:37 AM EST
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Reagan had a rough first two years.  Cleaning up carters pile of shit.  Trump has eight years of shit to clean.
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I was just a wee lad, but I remember Reagan's entire administration, and you are correct. There were some serious things he had to deal with while he was establishing himself as president, and none of it had to do with lightweight sh*t like people melting down over 150 year old statues or which bathrooms men and women should use. The economy was in the toilet, the threat of nuclear war, the threat of Warsaw Pact vs. NATO in Europe, etc were looming over Ronaldus Maximus when he took the oath of office.

Trump has his issues to deal with, and in some ways the enemies he's fighting are far more dangerous than the foes Reagan squared off against.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:01:06 AM EST
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clownshoes is not Reagan.

he doesn't even have the support of his own party and constantly polarizing any support he might have had.
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Trump, has his faults (like all men) but possibly goes down a very successful two term President.

clownshoes is not Reagan.

he doesn't even have the support of his own party and constantly polarizing any support he might have had.
To be fair, the Republican Party has left me as well.

Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:01:30 AM EST
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clownshoes is not Reagan.

he doesn't even have the support of his own party and constantly polarizing any support he might have had.
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So he doesn't have the support of Ryan and McConnell?  You say that like it's a bad thing.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:08:53 AM EST
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:12:25 AM EST
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I wrote a paper in college complaining that the machinegun ban would be unconstitutional. Blame that on Miami Vice and Rinos
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Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:14:41 AM EST
Yep, he was despised by the left, the GOP and the media; sound familiar?

Remember all the he's senile talk? It's the same shill crap, just the players are different.

Trump like Reagan took his case directly to the people.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:17:42 AM EST
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
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You're right. Trump is better.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:20:45 AM EST
So, take into account that the MSM was not as "weaponzied" or in the bag for one party as they are today.
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If anything, things were worse then. Without the internet, the co-opted, biased, MSM was people's only source of news.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:22:22 AM EST
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
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Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:22:23 AM EST
The MSM and 'tards hated him..........called him all the usual names those dumbasses always call right wingers.

I don't remember his own Party hating him as much as they hate Trump though....................
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:28:22 AM EST
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
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His speech on Afghanistan was very Reagan-esque i thought
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:28:55 AM EST
Hollywood & the MSM assured us that Ronald Reagan was going to bury the world in radioactive fallout. I remember the reporting & movies like "beyond the looking glass" & "The day after.
If there was an internet it would have been just like Trumps treatment today.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:36:15 AM EST
Reagan...yada yada...fuck that silly ass actor
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:38:05 AM EST
I was young but I remember the nightmare of FJEC more than the first term of RR.
I enlisted under his second term.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:40:57 AM EST
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Slow down there scooter.  The 1986 FOPA was in response to some of the growning abuses born out of the 1968 GCA.

The machine gun ban is bullshit, but do some more research into how that slipped into the bill.

Do you have to show ID or fill out a 4473 to buy ammunition? No.
Can you buy ammunition over the Internet?  Yes.
Are you commiting a crime for "passing through" a ban state with your firearm? No.

You can thank Reagan for that.
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Regan was amazing, what with signing away our 2nd amendment rights to machine guns with the NFA.  I don't care how many geezers here want to excuse that, it was bullshit.
Slow down there scooter.  The 1986 FOPA was in response to some of the growning abuses born out of the 1968 GCA.

The machine gun ban is bullshit, but do some more research into how that slipped into the bill.

Do you have to show ID or fill out a 4473 to buy ammunition? No.
Can you buy ammunition over the Internet?  Yes.
Are you commiting a crime for "passing through" a ban state with your firearm? No.

You can thank Reagan for that.
How about vetoing the bill, and having congress submit a new one without the machinegun prohibition?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:49:20 AM EST
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You're looking at that through today's lens. If anyone really cared about machine guns back then, they would have bought one. They certainly were relatively cheap. Even after May 86 people still didn't buy them, not in huge numbers.

The fact of the matter is, back then, most gun owners didn't care about machine guns so it was a decent trade for FOPA. Back then.

It's easy to look back today, with 25k M16s, and say we were sold out but back in the days when a DIAS or LL could be had for the price of the transfer and no one was buying...
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It was still a huge PITA to get one back then.  I had to show need for a CCW and it had to signed off by a judge to put things in perspective.  You couldn't just walk down to Western Auto and buy a M16.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:55:46 AM EST
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His speech on Afghanistan was very Reagan-esque i thought
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
His speech on Afghanistan was very Reagan-esque i thought

So why did Reagan sign the 86 if it didn't truly pass and was pushed through?

Did he not pay attention to what was going on at the time, or hear about it?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:05:20 AM EST
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
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Except the comparisons already made that happen to be correct
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:10:59 AM EST
I was searching for something a few days ago and stumbled on this book link. Amazing similarities. The link is to a sample of a book about the 1980 election and the response.

Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:11:55 AM EST
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So why did Reagan sign the 86 if it didn't truly pass and was pushed through?

Did he not pay attention to what was going on at the time, or hear about it?
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
His speech on Afghanistan was very Reagan-esque i thought

So why did Reagan sign the 86 if it didn't truly pass and was pushed through?

Did he not pay attention to what was going on at the time, or hear about it?
He made a mistake...........fucked up...........plain and simple.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:12:13 AM EST
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I lived in a military town, the only time I heard anti-reagan stuff was from SNL and some of the media. Everyone in my AO was overwhelmingly supportive and mocking the failed presidency of jimmah cawtaw was a pass time. 

There was no doubt he would get re-elected in anybody's mind. When the media would publish their gibberish it was treated like comedy material.

I guess I lived in a bubble. It was before social media. The recent resurgence of jimmah cawtaw as good in any way is bizarre historical revisionism. He was mocked for decades.

There was a reason Reagan won by landslides. Also school indoctrination was in it's infancy.
The years that followed we're prosperous and there was an overwhelming optimism which you can see reflected in the music TV and movies. 
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The only anti-trump talk I hear is on late night TV and social media, IE liberal losers on facebook.

The polls that say trump has historic low approval ratings are the polls that said Hillary would win by a land slide, to say the polls are skewed by their personal political bias is an understatement.

IMO if Trump keep the economy strong, doesnt start any major wars and doesnt have any REAL scandals (The Russia BS is a fake news) he will be remembered as a decent president.

If he whips North korea of the face of the earth or does something eventful he could go down as one of the top 10 presidents.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:26:25 AM EST
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How about vetoing the bill, and having congress submit a new one without the machinegun prohibition?
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You can't veto a once in a lifetime bill because it isn't perfect. Reagan most likely didn't want to ban machine guns but didn't have the numbers or the political will to fight against it. Would you have rather kept the 1968 ban? Because that most likely would have happened had he vetoed.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:31:50 AM EST
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Regan was amazing, what with signing away our 2nd amendment rights to machine guns with the NFA.  I don't care how many geezers here want to excuse that, it was bullshit.
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You're right.
We should have given Carter another 4 years instead. 

Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:32:26 AM EST
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Hollywood & the MSM assured us that Ronald Reagan was going to bury the world in radioactive fallout. I remember the reporting & movies like "beyond the looking glass" & "The day after.
If there was an internet it would have been just like Trumps treatment today.
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Yep. They called him Ronnie raygun.

I actually remember SNL mocking jimmah cawtaw. That's how bad he was. 

That was when he was in office, they were back to either ignoring him or supporting Dukakis later.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:35:49 AM EST
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There is no comparison of Reagan to Trump.
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You aren't part of the solution, are you just a sore loser?  All you do is complain, disparage, conspire, defame. Wonder what you could do if you directed your wind at the sails.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:37:51 AM EST

Fast forward to today, you'll hardly find anyone who thinks Reagan was a "problem" or that we are worse off
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Most of GD hates Reagan.  Hardly find anyone? Please.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:41:12 AM EST
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Most of GD hates Reagan.  Hardly find anyone? Please.
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Most of them weren't alive so they have no idea what the Cold War was actually like. This handful of Marxists the media props up now are a joke. Reagan faced down the Iron Curtain and he out spent the commies proving there was no way they could keep up.

I remember all the Reagan hate in DC back then, the welfare crew never gives up.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:42:40 AM EST
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Reagan...yada yada...fuck that silly ass actor
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If you were actually around then you would have known it was the longest period of growth and prosperity, and also peace, in the history of the country.

There was a caller on rush a few weeks ago talking  about how horrible the 80's were. He was, of course, a teacher.

And he got that notion from other teachers. After the previous 2 administrations it was like a cloud had lifted. People that had no hope of improving their lot in life, like myself and many of my friends all of a sudden we're on our way to success.

It was a wonderful period of Hope and optimism. It was so long lasting that this was widespread knowledge until relatively recently as the progressives and media try to rewrite history.

If he was so bad he wouldn't have been re-elected in a landslide, people wouldn't have revered him for decades.

It's only recently that jimmah cawtaw has been portrayed as something besides an incompetent buffoon. Again, revisionist history. 

Reagan was not perfect, nobody is, but he has gone down in history as the president that made America great again and that's not going to change.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:48:58 AM EST
Losing the ban on interstate sale & record keeping  of  Ammunition opened up the gun hobby in ways many don't realize, before 86 you had to go to a gun store & pay premium $$ & have your name entered in a book to purchase a box of ammo, after 86 you could order cases of Chinese ammo  the brown truck dropped off at your front door for a fraction of the gun store price.
Basically before 86 no one could afford to blast through cases of ammo like today.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 8:50:11 AM EST
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Reagan had a rough first two years.  Cleaning up carters pile of shit.  Trump has eight years of shit to clean.
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Twenty eight years: Bush 41, 4; Clinton, 8; Bush 43, 8; Obama, 8
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