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Posted: 8/24/2006 7:10:56 AM EDT
What % of your posts were done from work?

You know, like this one.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:12:12 AM EDT
95%. But I don't post often.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:12:32 AM EDT
very few...perhaps 10 or so...I have to wait for the internet monitors to go home, which is usually after my regular shift so I only go on at work if I'm on OT.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:14:03 AM EDT

ETA: i AM the internet monitor at work  
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:14:43 AM EDT
Damn near all of them.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:16:00 AM EDT

Same deal with taking a dump.  I love getting paid to empty my bowels.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:17:15 AM EDT
Your tax dollars pay for me to post on ARFCOM.  I'm on site at a high school doing tech work right now, in fact.

Besides that, I'd say probably 75-85% are paid for.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:17:50 AM EDT
Sir, I am unaware of any such activity or operation - nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist, sir.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:19:13 AM EDT
My company encourages charitable contributions.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:19:42 AM EDT

Damn near all of them.

Woo....Hundreths of a percent from anywhere other than work. Seriously.

I keep joking w/ my coworkers that my job is to "monitor the internet for changes". They think I'm joking.

Oh, and like kitwulfen, you're paying for me to do this. (I am too, now that I think about it. "Get off my lazy ass!," I yell at myself.)
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:20:05 AM EDT


ETA: i AM the internet monitor at work  

+1 got to test the system!
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:21:23 AM EDT

What % of your posts were done from work?

You know, like this one.

Well… I'm paid from 8-5 at work, and on a retainer at home… sooo,


Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:21:26 AM EDT

Damn near all of them.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:21:56 AM EDT

What % of your posts were done from work?

You know, like this one.

Many, MANY posts from work. Gotta love the T3.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:23:03 AM EDT
Probably 50% or so. I love being the boss.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:24:04 AM EDT



ETA: i AM the internet monitor at work  

+1 got to test the system!

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:24:45 AM EDT
What is this work you speak of?
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:26:13 AM EDT
None.  I'm, uh.... uh, on LEAVE today.  Yeah, that's the ticket.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:26:21 AM EDT
I would have to say 100%.  I get paid even while I am sitting at home.  I work in the oilfeild on 24 hour call, so I am always technically on the clock.  I would have to say that I get paid more for about 30% of them, since I do most of my posting from home.  
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:29:33 AM EDT
In the past few years? Probably 90% of them
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:31:05 AM EDT

very few...perhaps 10 or so...I have to wait for the internet monitors to go home, which is usually after my regular shift so I only go on at work if I'm on OT.

The internet monitors are real people and not a content filter?


50% for me
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:31:31 AM EDT
Probably about half of them.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:32:20 AM EDT
Shit, you think I'd waste my off time posting on here?
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:37:54 AM EDT


very few...perhaps 10 or so...I have to wait for the internet monitors to go home, which is usually after my regular shift so I only go on at work if I'm on OT.

The internet monitors are real people and not a content filter?


50% for me

we just have squid logging http activity and i check the logs every now and then... the log for my ip is always really clean for some reason.....

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:41:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:43:34 AM EDT
I dont post much either, but I'd have to say 90%.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:52:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:54:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:56:13 AM EDT
I work from home, so it's a gray area.....
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 7:56:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 8:03:59 AM EDT

I still don't have the internet at home. I just post at work.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 12:52:03 PM EDT

no comment

IIRC you the po-po, Does arfcom load ok on a MDC
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 1:21:13 PM EDT
I'm in the .mil, and when I was deployed I could access this site but not Hotmail due to the security (productivity) software.  

Back here in the states the local security software now blocks most versions of this site except for one, but it still prevents me from logging on (so I can read posts but not make any).  I can however access Hotmail.  Just shows how arbitrary this security software business can be.

It drives me nuts, particularly when I really want to make a response on a thread or buy somethign I really want on the EE.

I wish this site could come up with a really clever manner of disguising this site (more than the other site names already offered) that could make it through more of the productivity software filters.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 1:30:29 PM EDT

Shit, you think I'd waste my off time posting on here?

No doubt. My off time is much too valuable to waste on the internet. Especially considering that I'm on dial-up at home...
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