We usually get a wave if we're in the rig. We've got one or two jagoffs independent thinkers who haven't (or never will) need us in their career, because they're SuperCop! (sarcasm intentional) Even their fellow officers know these guys are idiots, and will usually try to be the go-between on calls we wind up on.
Of course, we've had a few on our side with a FThemCops mindset too. I preferred not to work with them, and luckily, the biggest one retired a few years ago. In our town, people have a hard enough time differentiating between the "round happy" Fire badges and the "sharp, pointy" Police ones, and we get into the mix every once in a while. As a result the "red side / blue side" shit doesn;t come up that much here, and most of us won't hesitate to back a brother up, even if he's carrying a gun.