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Posted: 11/20/2008 8:38:32 PM EDT
Look, I know everyone is all butt hurt over the recent election and how our republican so called leaders have failed us.

I get that, and I agree.

now to avoid all the future OMGWTFBBQ!!11!!1 threads in the future I will save you a little typing and some time and let you know what's is in store for the near and distant future of America and the world in general.

from my perspective of course, my crystal ball is in the shop.

First the short term.

Obama will do all of the things we fear he will do, but he is not the tip of the spear, he is a mouth piece, a spoksman if you will, being funded by very, VERY powerful and rich backers who now have the mouth piece in place to carry out their agenda.

which is the socialization of America and to bring it down on par with the rest of the world.

It's about money and position and power in the world for them. it's a game, nothing more. it's not personal, in fact they could not care one whit about if your family starves any more than if they care if a family in Africa starves. as long as they maintain their global status and power position.

Bill Clinton was the trial run, and while he did damage America, whether on not he succeeded was not important, it was a probe, to test the water.

But look who's being put back into positions of power under Obama? Hmmm.

So yes, America will finally experience the final push into socialism and your standard of living will change drastically, get over it. it's not in your hands and it's not really in the politicians hands, per-se.

Now I don't want to come off as a tin foiler conspiracy nut job. but if you look at the facts as they unfold, there is an under current that is pulling America in a direction and no matter what goes on on the surface we still head in the socialist direction, inch by inch.

so we will experience some small victories, and YES WE NEED TO KEEP FIGHTING, but just like death, we will get there.

so the short term is socialization, severely reduced standard of living compared to the past American way, but we will still exist as a country.

I don't like it, I hate it, but that's what's going to happen.

The long term, is the balance of power has always shifted throughout the history of the world.

For a time it was Spain, sometime it was England, Egypt held a lot of power at one time, as well as the Romans. the Germans held a lot of power for the known world for a time.

The balance of power is fluid and shifts, and America WILL lose the control of the world, will we get it back? not for many many generations.

And the whole wold will suffer, count on that.

What will hold it off? well, a well coordinated revolution would, but the Blood shed would be beyond the comprehension of most humans (Armageddon ?) and we all know we don't have the stomach for all of that as a country or as a human race. socially it has been bred out of us and in the free powers of the world. The barbarians however have plenty and are willing to use it.

While our military is the finest in the history of the world, if it is not employed by the government for good, it simply is a paper tiger. if the jets never fly, the tanks never roll, the ships never sail, what good are they?

And Obama will leave them idle in the docks as the world realigns it's power structure.

Your Guns?


He will regulate them to death, ban certain classes of weapons (assault weapons ban), and register handguns, and maybe even make YOU the felon/culpable person if you use it to defend yourself in your own home. Oh not directly, but by hook or crook you will be the one in the wrong or responsible, and either be financially ruined, or found guilty of "some violation of civil rights" and be either bankrupted from the court cost or fines or go to prison for a short time, 1-5 years, (which will accomplish the same thing).

But the kicker is he will get our ammo, probably through taxes of loaded ammo, or a Hazmat fee on primers and or powder. environmental restrictions on lead, and other administrative non-judicial ways of making ammo so prohibitively expensive that each round might as well be made of gold. just cheap enough to "hunt" with, but too expensive to shoot large volumes of ammo for training and fun.

Schools will continue their downward spiral, after all, what your children don't know they can't resist against. this is true for the entire world. there is a shift in information available to the general masses,and the way it is taught and or presented, sure a very few children will be home schooled, but they will be in such a minority they will not matter much or make much of a difference. the internet is here, but for how long ? and how can everything on it be trusted, disinformation is just as powerful as information. the lines have been drawn, the 51%ers have taken over. it's only a matter of time now.

Expect power grid interruptions and power rationing in the near future, as Green power solutions fall way short and environmental restrictions choke off the current power delivery/production capabilities commonly available.

The silver lining to all of this?

After every dark time a true leader emerges, someone or a group of someones get together, at great peril, and find a way to connect and inspire the masses to action.

this action may be bloodless, or it may not, it does seem that every major action of change involves bloodshed, but maybe this time it won't. it remains to be seen.

But know this (and you can stand down on the OMGWTFBBQ1!1!!1! posts) America will, as it must, go through it's dark time.

how long it lasts remains to be seen, but rest assured it will last well into your children's future and maybe your grandchildren's.

we all need to insulate ourselves and families as best we can from the hardships about to befall all of us, very few will be able to, but do the best you can, with broad range job skills, financial creativity, security mindfulness, and community support, as in networking with your friends and neighbors. A tall order in our fractured and isolated social framework these days. If we fail in this, our lives will be much harder and prolong the suffering. I think we can optimize our lives, but it's going to take a long period of adjustment.

All of this will be a result of GOVERNMENT interference. not GOVERNMENT assistance.

As the great Ronald Regan said, "government is not the solution to the problem, government IS the problem".

So brace yourselves Men and Ladies, it's going to be a bumpy and dark ride across an ocean seldom traveled, but we may get to safe harbor if a captain emerges and can guide us over these dark waters. but don't expect that captain to emerge any time soon, the world powers will see to that if they have anything to say about it. he will have to be forged out of our misery, and our frustration, that we will endure for a long period of time first.

this is not even taking into account religious beliefs, but may follow closely in the same manner. and the possibility of terrorist action/military involvements.

I'm just talking if we just go along unmolested by the rest of the world. an unlikely scenario at best.

Anyway, these are the observations of a middle aged police officer, who's taken the time to examine the evidence, looked at the possibilities, project the possibilities, conferred with my colleagues and peers, and come to a conclusion.

I could be very wrong, I hope and pray I am. I am afraid I am not.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:04:44 PM EDT
I agree that we're in for a ride, but there's hope yet.

For starters, let's look globally. No single nation is close to having a Navy the size of ours. Even China and Russia together don't have the number and quality of surface vessels needed to protect their merchant marine fleet.

Without that, power projection is an iffy thing. And while both empires have centuries of experience fielding huge land armies, they don't have much experience projecting power over the horizon via the sea, and this is the sort of skill that takes time to acquire. We'll see it coming.

Not that they're not trying, but we still have time.

Domestically, I'll grant that the Left pulled a fast one and got their man elected with hardly a scratch. But most people didn't vote for him BECAUSE he was a leftist loon, but because "he sounds so reasonable". The moment he goes far-left is the moment people start defecting.

His first act as President - a presidency he claims will be "post-partisan" and "bringing the country together" is promised to be to sign FOCA into law, effectively gutting the pro-life movement. THAT is not how to 'get beyond partisan ship.'

You're going to see the Catholic Church purge ITSELF of leftist idiots in the resulting pushback, and quite a lot of folk are going to be immediately mobilized towards 2010 HOUSE races in reaction to their congresscritters' vote for FOCA.

If Detroit's big 3 aren't bailed out, the UAW is going to lose 50% of its membership. Lots of former Reagan Democrats are going to wake up to the reality that the environmental wing of the DNC don't care about them.

Look at the ghey's reaction to Black voters in CA over Prop 8. You think all those black churches and leaders recently called "N......" by Ghey activists breathing death threats at them are going to forget it?

In short, for every action there is a reaction. Nothing goes 'according to plan'. The other side has prepped for this election for over 8 years and we fielded our WORSE candidate because Dems crossed party lines to vote for him in New Hampshire and other primary states. Give us 4 years behind Bobby Jindal and we'll see who wins 2012. .

I agree - by all means, we MUST organize on the neighborhood, township, county, and state level. We need to network across civil, religious, and social levels. AND it won't hurt to continue to prep for natural disasters, as well as arm ourselves and stock up on ammo and reloading gear. The more we have, the less the eventual ban will hurt.

November 2010 is 2 years away, but campaign season at the latest will begin in earnest next November. By that time most of the 'smart' money people posit that we'll see 2 percent more unemployment and A LOT of angry Obama voters still waiting for their Utopia to drop from the sky, paid for by dem evil rich people - they ought to be easy pickings for lots of HOUSE seats.

Between now and then we need to reach out to smug liberals and force them to answer a couple of very simple questions:

1) If liberal policies are so Utopian and progressive, so wonderful for the poor and minorities, why, pray tell, are the top poverty stricken urban centers - all of which are run by Democrats and MINORITY democrats at that, such basket cases when it comes to education, crime, infrastructure, tax bases, etc.?

You can't blame Detroit, Flint, Pontiac, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and DC's problems on 'evil white republicans'. And you can't claim the brilliant democrats haven't had enough time to work their wonders. So why are these places so bad?

2) If liberal policies are so wonderful when it comes to education, why do they need MORE money when virtually every OTHER industry has been able to CUT COSTS and yet improve the quality of their product INCLUDING private schools and home schools?

The problem "our side" has had is a dearth in political activists who are real people and can articulate conservative ideals. We've had a run of Rockefeller blue blood idiots who are socialist-lite domestically and fiscally. Their ideas are stale and it shows. Give me a real candidate who can ARTICULATE his views and I'll give you a winner for a House or Senate seat in 2010.

What this means is Obama has a single year to get all he wants and that will force him to go hard left from the get go, which in turn will shock and dismay alot of people who are so "sure" he'll be moderate and centrist.

Now, they're already working on avoiding another 1994 surprise, so ACORN and voter fraud will need to be challenged. Two can play the games though. If park benches were good enough for voters in Ohio voting Obama, they ought to be good enough for us to vote for people in the mid-terms. The time to start gushing about how we're SO EAGER to use that new loop hole to our advantage is NOW. Run that up as many flag poles as possible so the backlash is against "those evil repubs" and the loop hole will be closed.

We need to set up our own ACORN - which will force the Lib Congress to start regulating the real ACORN.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:07:25 PM EDT
Boy, with friends like you who needs enemies?  Go back to the DU where you belong.  We don't need your pessimistic BS here!
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:21:19 PM EDT
Boy, with friends like you who needs enemies?  Go back to the DU where you belong.  We don't need your pessimistic BS here!

Yeah –– where the hell does he think he's at "Survival Discussions" or something?? Man, I'll tell he's got some kind of guts posting that here.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:37:45 PM EDT
Boy, with friends like you who needs enemies?  Go back to the DU where you belong.  We don't need your pessimistic BS here!

Yeah –– where the hell does he think he's at "Survival Discussions" or something?? Man, I'll tell he's got some kind of guts posting that here.

Where is the discussion? I don't see it.  All I see is someone telling me the world is going to go to hell and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it so I should just sit back and let it happen.  Sorry, that's just not my style.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:55:05 PM EDT
Hey now. He's supplying plausible scenarios to game out. He believes they'll happen and is grasping for what to do.

I know these are plausible and think there's ALOT of things we can do to MITIGATE THE PROBLEM.

What're your ideas?
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 6:07:11 PM EDT
I routinely visit several gun related forums on a daily basis and have noticed many posts lately that have the same tone as the OP's.  They are all started by people who have just recently joined the forum who have low post counts.  I am beginning to think that there is a concerted effort going on to discourage us from fighting back.  Just give up and let the inevitable happen kind of crap.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 7:49:14 PM EDT
I don't think the OP was saying we should do nothing.   He is saying more powerful and sinister forces are at work than just a smiling junior socialist senator from IL sweeping the vote.  The tide of socialist tyranny has been in swelling for decades and will not be easily turned back.

I think there is a reasonable chance that in 2010 we get enough people fed up with Obama and the Dem congress that we throw the bums out yet again.  But there is also a not insignificant chance that they lock in their control for decades through campaign and electoral corruption, federal buyout and control of corporations and bailing out labor unions.Plus escalation of intimidation that surfaced during the campaign, and a US press that cheerleads and looks the other way.

In that case we may eventually have  a peaceful or violent rebellion when it gets intolerable enough and someone emerges to provide leadership for throwing off the socialist tyrant yoke.

We all keep trying to win via politics, influencing friends and family, voting with our wallets and feet, and being armed. Politics did work out for us this time. Maybe it will in 2010 or 2012. Or maybe it won't work for us for a very long time.  Something is very different about this past elections than the other ten I have been through.  This was not just the usual Dems versus Repubs. The Dems were just a front and even the Repubs did not feel their candidate was the best repesentative for their ideals.

Somebody other than the Dems and Repubs ran and won this election and if they can do that so easily it does not bode well for an early turn about.  It makes us even more determined but the hour is late.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:55:01 PM EDT
Damm , thats a long post

Just give me the short version while I go make another drink
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:58:00 PM EDT
sorry, that IS the short post.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 8:40:31 PM EDT
Masturbating chicken,
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 8:42:35 PM EDT
sorry your post was long looking and there was no picture... so Im gonna disagree with what you posted...

even though I didnt read it

Course if you offered me free money with no strings attached thats ok to
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 8:42:43 PM EDT
I routinely visit several gun related forums on a daily basis and have noticed many posts lately that have the same tone as the OP's.  They are all started by people who have just recently joined the forum who have low post counts.  I am beginning to think that there is a concerted effort going on to discourage us from fighting back.  Just give up and let the inevitable happen kind of crap.

O-bots on marching orders from the ministry of truth.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 8:56:23 PM EDT
I routinely visit several gun related forums on a daily basis and have noticed many posts lately that have the same tone as the OP's.  They are all started by people who have just recently joined the forum who have low post counts.  I am beginning to think that there is a concerted effort going on to discourage us from fighting back.  Just give up and let the inevitable happen kind of crap.

Oh, riiight.  It's a conspiracy!

V/I is futile!  (thanks mjohn)
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 9:14:02 PM EDT
maybe I should let this log on name die and go back to posting under my old log on that had over 6000 posts and member since 2004 because only people with lots of posts are not trolls.

I simply just got tired of reading OMGWTFBBQ!1!!1!! type posts like "oh my god, do you know what Obama's doing now"

or the sky is falling because of XYZ.

well no shit sherlock!

so many people seem to think that life in america is beyond assault, that we will never experience real tragedy on a national level.

well guess what sweetheart, your about to get a big mouthful of a big shit sandwich !

I am not a doomer, the way I see it, it's the rose colored glasses people that don't prepare "a head of time" are not proactive before the storm but run around after saying "we have to fix this". similar to the ammo, gun panic buying we see going on now.

well no shit. but if all of us, me, you, and everyone you know would actually be proactive we wouldn't be in this mess.

and I'm not talking since this election, a lot of people really pulled together for this one. I'm talking for the last 60 years.

yeah, that means your parents, my parents, all of us, thought the river of milk and honey would flow forever.

well guess what, the parties over ladies, and now WE, that's right me included, are going to have to clean up the mess of the last 60 years.

and if WE don't get serious, and I mean junk yard dog serious, and reverse 60 years of complacency well, kiss your happy ass goodbye, no strike that, look your kids in the eye and say, sorry kid, your life is going to be a lot harder than mine ever was.

if our society stays fractured, divided by class, race, economics, education, then we don't even have a prayer.

I'm ready for war, whether that is a bloody war, or an effort war of educating my fellow citizens I'm willing. but ..........

you know what screw it, we attack each other on this board and we're supposed to be on the same team of common interests, so how am I to believe as a country we are going to work together to pull this out.

see what I mean, the way I see it we're fucked.

I don't *expect* anyone to see it my way, what the hell do I know? I just took the time to take a step back and look beyond the immediate crisis, at the bigger picture.

what I see is a long hard fight, and if we don't put aside our petty differences and stop being greedy little bitches, and get back to community, sacrifice for our neighbors, a belief in something greater than our own satisfaction, we will fade into history like so many other great civilizations in the past.

so go on, think it can't happen here. but don't be surprised when it gets worse than you ever imagined.

America is the shinning city on the hill, Ronald Regan was very prophetic, not perfect, but he had the right plan and temperament to lead our country into greatness for a very long time. somehow we let go of those ideals.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 9:16:29 PM EDT
I'm getting carpal tunnel just reading this thread.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 9:19:51 PM EDT
I need Cliff Notes for post numbers 1 and 4.
Link Posted: 11/21/2008 4:31:15 AM EDT
while I'm sure the posters who have replied above (all of them) are very good people, complaining about a post length, which actually takes about 4 minutes to read, sort of makes my point.

if it looks hard, give me the easy way out.
Link Posted: 11/21/2008 5:35:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2008 5:43:04 AM EDT


Interesting read. I don't see a lot to take issue with there.
Me, neither.  

Link Posted: 11/21/2008 5:49:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2008 10:38:18 AM EDT

Obama will do all of the things we fear he will do, but he is not the tip of the spear, he is a mouth piece, a spoksman if you will, being funded by very, VERY powerful and rich backers who now have the mouth piece in place to carry out their agenda.

Oh good, a conspiracy theory.

just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me !!
Link Posted: 11/21/2008 10:39:14 AM EDT

Obama will do all of the things we fear he will do, but he is not the tip of the spear, he is a mouth piece, a spoksman if you will, being funded by very, VERY powerful and rich backers who now have the mouth piece in place to carry out their agenda.

Oh good, a conspiracy theory.

just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me !!
Link Posted: 11/21/2008 10:56:28 AM EDT
Damm , thats a long post

Just give me the short version while I go make another drink

and here we see the problem.
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