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Posted: 10/11/2005 3:44:17 PM EDT
Okay, need to add some home security (motion activated) lights for the corners of Ft. Bulldog.

After looking at Home Despot I came away underwhelmed at the lack of horsepower as far as brightness and durability of the ones they offered.

Any suggestions?

I want the "Surefire" of home security lights! (Okay, maybe not THAT bright!)
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 3:58:32 PM EDT
How are your electrician skills ?  You could find a motion sensor control and wire it to turn on any kind of light you desire .  That way you would not be limited to the pre - packaged ,all in one light kits .

    300 watt Quartz lights are pretty blinding and not very expensive .  How big of an area are you trying to illuminate ?
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:03:04 PM EDT
I'm pretty happy with my costco lights, 160 watts each at about $16 IIRC.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:09:38 PM EDT
I've had good luck with X10 floodlights.   You can get remotes to turn them on and off from inside the house or a car key chain, chime modules to tell you they've turned on, etc...    

They have an overwhelming flashy website, and advertise all over the web, but everything I ever ordered from them was delivered quick, and has survived multiple winters.

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 6:23:04 PM EDT

How are your electrician skills ?  You could find a motion sensor control and wire it to turn on any kind of light you desire .  That way you would not be limited to the pre - packaged ,all in one light kits .

    300 watt Quartz lights are pretty blinding and not very expensive .  How big of an area are you trying to illuminate ?

50 foot driveway leading to the house mostly.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 6:29:13 PM EDT
Check another Home Depot or a Lowes, or check online.  I have a couple of dual head 500W halogen spots with 240 degree sensors, they come on at dusk at low power, and if the motion sensor is tripped they go full blast for a preset time, either 1, 5, or 20 minutes.  Those suckers are bright, blindingly so if you happen to be looking right at them when they blast off.  Learned that the hard way

EDIT Found the single head one here  follw the left side link to lighting and fans, and then area and security

don't seem to have the dual head larger than 300W, maybe don't make them anymore??

Edit again:  Don't forget you will probably need a dedicated line if you go with 500W dual heads, or you can get a pair or dual head 300W on a line
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