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Posted: 11/29/2014 12:37:07 AM EDT
Hello all. I have a regular camera but find myself taking a lot more shots with my Note 4. I've started taking pictures of my collection for reference. I have gotten some very good out side overcast shots. As the weather turns I will be taking more shots inside and in snow settings. Any tips for pics with a snow background? My inside shots will be under florescent lighting in my shop. I am having trouble getting and getting a flash off the wood and metal. I'm not using any flash. Is there some setting changes I should make to the phone? I'd just like to get good clear pictures. I plan on experimenting with different angles, some white board and different solid colors for the background inside. Any advice would be appreciated.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 4:56:09 PM EDT
You will need to dig into your camera app and see what options are available to you.

In your shop, the big problem you will have is the lack of light.

In the snow, the problem you will have is that the camera's auto exposure system will probably underexpose the scene because it does not know that the snow is supposed to be white instead of gray.
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