-load test your battery or replace, Your battery can be so weak from being drained that it has failed, if a battery is dead enough, jumping won't allways work.
-Check for voltage at the "S" terminal at the starter.
-Us a meter to make sure the starter is grounded well.
- If the starter has diodes on the "S" crank circuit check those useing the diode check function on your meter. The diodes are for flash suppression, if they're bad you usually can remove them without hurting your electronics. But they are there for a reason . I had to bypass one when I had a no-crank condition off road at night.
-nothing at the "s" terminal. Remove the "S" wire and check for voltage when trying to crank.
-trace wire back to fuse box or relay box. make sure it has no opens.
-check your fuse/relay box to make sure it's hot.
-deos the crank relay (if you have one) click over?
Sounds to me that if you are without a 12v test light, DVOM, and wiring diagram your SOL. You allready covered the regular bases, from what you said.