yeah it's the .mil style. woodland camo with molle webbing on the lower compartment. (I'd have preferred just OD green or even black but price was more important than color) it has another pocket up top without webbing. you can get quite a bit of stuff in there. I use mine at work (EMS in a fairly Rural area in Indiana) sometimes when we have rope rescues or have to walk somebody out of the boonies, so i added a buttpack or gas mask pouch (8x8x4 or so) to the molle webbing. it holds a pretty good BLS assortment along with my usual First Aid stuff, fire kit, granola and datrex bars, etc in the built in pockets....kinda like a mini BOB I guess that turns into a Medic Kit when the extra pack is added to it. Very light weight even with everything I have crammed into it. If you can find one on Ebay cheap, go for it. I had originally intended it to be a 3-5 day pack but once it arrived I realized I needed a HAWG or better yet a Motherlode for that much stuff.