I'm a pretty firm believer in not taking time to deal with other people's emotions. As such I generally get accused of, at best, being abrasive or, at worst, all sorts of colorful metaphors. From time to time I encounter people in my life that suggest that you "better change your attitude". On rare occasions these are people I actually trust, or care about, or respect. Whether it be a coworker, a family member, or whatever.
But is change like that really possible? I once read somewhere that if you still had the same personality by the time you were 30, you were stuck for life. I'm 29 now and will be 30 at the end of this year. I honestly don't think, even if I wanted to, I'd be capable of changing something like that so drastically. This got me to wondering if anyone else has managed to do so. I don't think I want to change anything (see my sigline), but now it bothers me that I might not be able to. I quit alcohol, caffeine, and nicoteine cold turkey all at once just to prove that I could and that I had that sort of control over myself. The idea that I might not be capable of changing my outlook/attitude bugs the crap out of me.
So if you did it, how, and how old were you, and why?