On this weekend as we celebrate America’s independence, the facts are grim for how dependent
we’ve become. As one example, in the 1970s one in 50 families received
food stamps. Today it’s one in five. That’s is a ten-fold increase.
Is America poorer than it was in 1776?
Of course not. We’re richer, much richer. Then why are so many people
dependent on government?
Much of it has to do with how much we’ve permitted government to take over things that are none of its business.
Our food, our water, our homes, our transportation, our businesses,
our communication, our education, our money, our children, our health
care and just about any other private and individual concern is now
(mis)managed to a startling degree by the government. Our economy is
being ruled, taxed, policied, czared and regulated to death … much of it
without input from the citizens.
Now answer me this: Was this how the Founding Fathers envisioned America?
Of course not....