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Posted: 2/1/2011 7:56:17 PM EDT
Malcom X (born Malcom Little)

"Living in Harlem, he became involved in drug dealing, gambling, racketeering, robbery, and steering prostitutes.[36] According to biographer Bruce Perry, Little occasionally engaged in sex with other men, usually for money.[37] No other biographers have written about such sexual ...encounters.[38][39]"
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 7:59:12 PM EDT
The shortest month of the year.

Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:05:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:06:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:07:10 PM EDT

EDIT: I just read OP WTF?
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:07:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:07:57 PM EDT
As far as I'm concerned, we do cannot have a black history month until every other race, including whites, have their own history month.

If any one race is excluded, its racism.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:08:25 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:09:02 PM EDT
You already got the other eleven months.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:09:35 PM EDT
Well this one laster longer than expected.
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