Blix has been failure from day one. he wa on the previous inspector team that found nothing the last go round. he has not visited [b]ONE[/b] military, Sec. Powell has given him a heads up.
Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, said that Washington had begun to pass on “significant” intelligence in recent days. But he cautioned that the details were carefully selected, and that the US was holding on to its most sensitive information and incriminating details, waiting to see whether inspectors “are able to handle it and exploit it”.
“It’s not a matter of opening up every door we have,” he said.
Mr Powell’s comments, in an interview with the Washington Post, highlight the tightrope that the Americans are walking in trying to guide the inspectors.
If the inspectors fail to turn up any sign of banned weapons, the UN security council is highly unlikely to authorise military action, despite the acknowledged shortcomings in Iraq’s weapons declaration. Without a second resolution, the US would also lose the support of some of its most crucial allies in the region, such as Saudi Arabia, and access to their bases. Even America’s staunchest ally, Britain, which has said that it would like to see more explicit UN authority before going to war, may get cold feet, something that would fatally damage America’s authority for war.
But if the US releases its highly prized intelligence information to the inspectors, it would signal to Baghdad what it knows. US officials do not entirely trust the UN inspection team, and are wary that leaks to Iraqi officials would give them vital time to hide or destroy evidence.
It could also betray the Iraqi “moles” who had passed on such information, meaning instant death for them and their families, but also the loss to the US of an important source of vital information.
Disclosure could also jeopardise any military mission by giving Iraq advance notice of sites that the US was planning to attack, a fear voiced by Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary, this week.
Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, reiterated yesterday that the US knew that Iraq possessed the weapons it denied having. “We know they have weapons of mass destruction of a chemical nature — we know they have weapons of mass destruction of a biological nature,” he said.
The danger for the US is that such pronouncements may sound increasingly hollow without proof.
Like their counterparts in Britain and the UN, US officials have been playing down the significance of January 27, the date on which Hans Blix, the chief UN weapons inspector, is due to give his report to the 15-member UN security council.