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Posted: 3/17/2001 7:04:15 PM EDT
Excuse the shouting gentlemen,
I found what seemed to me to be a good deal on an Olympic Arms PCR-5 with a flat-top and I bought it. Even though the government had be walking around big town gun show for two and a half hours waiting for NICs to clear.
Well goodnight all and I will give a range report tommorow.....If I can keep my girlfriend from sleeping with it tonight.....
Link Posted: 3/17/2001 9:26:42 PM EDT
Welcome to the club Hound.  You should get a brother or sister for it as backup in the future when you can afford to . Shoot one and save other. Armalite has some sales on spring kits and field kits. The spare parts are cheap,but are priceless in an emergency.


Link Posted: 3/18/2001 6:56:14 AM EDT
Thanks, matt...going to shoot now.....!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/19/2001 7:51:33 PM EDT
Well...It shoots well but it doesn't like hollow points,  It pushed one back into the case and ballistic tips are a waste of time.....they
bend so nicely. But with softpoints.....that
works......I am ready for TBRS now ......
Link Posted: 3/19/2001 8:10:50 PM EDT
Get a few hundred more rounds through it and it may start digesting hollow points also.  I bet the feed ramps are a bit sharp yet and need worn in a little.
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 5:11:27 AM EDT
yep, everything on this rifle is so sharp it hurts....I looked up the serial number on Olympic Arms and she is just a baby..built in the last year....
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 5:29:57 AM EDT
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