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Posted: 12/19/2006 7:11:10 PM EDT
Over the last few weeks - I have purchased a few firearms from the same dealer. Yesterday, I went back to purchase my 4th firearm from this store. After the sale was completed, the saleswoman states to me:

"Don't be surprised when you get a telephone call from the ATF."

I said in response, "Why? Is there a new law about a peace officer buying firearms?" I re-interated my career position to her, feeling that she might just be thinking that I was a shady character. I was wearing a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, an old sweatshirt and Doc Martens. I can admit myself that I looked a little thugish, but this should not have been an issue had the woman actually looked at my credentinals when filling out the ATF transfer form.

So she says, "No, its just that anyone buying 3 or more firearms within a two-week period has to be reported to the ATF." She then hands me my bag, smiles, and walks off.

I've never heard of this before. I have bought 5-6 firearms during a gunshow without any such law being mentioned. In March when I got my taxes back - I bought 4 firearms at once at another location and nothing like this was mentioned. So now, my curiosity is an an all time high.

I hang around 'pretending' to look at a catalog on the counter. This lady takes out an ATF form with something written on the top of it which I could barely make out. It said something to the effect of: Multiple Firearm Sale / Purchase Disposition - I am not certain this is what the form said, but it was something worded very similar.

The sales lady goes into the back office and after about 5 minutes, comes back with copies of my driver's license, Post Cert ID, and CCW permit along with duplicates of all of the Firearms Transfer Forms for each of the firearms I had bought in the last couple weeks. I sat there at the counter and watched her fill out this entire ATF form with my information, staple my credentials to it, and take it into the back office. She ignored me the entire time.

I took my bag and left. But my question is: WTF was this woman doing? I have bought firearms for years and nothing like this has ever happened. I might not be too keen on laws, but I damn sure have never heard of anything like this before!

Does anyone here have a similar experience or know just exactly what type of ATF form was? Is there some new law that I am unaware of?

Link Posted: 12/19/2006 7:20:19 PM EDT

"No, its just that anyone buying 3 or more firearms within a two-week period has to be reported to the ATF."

She's wrong.  If you buy more than two (I think...) handguns in a one week period the store has to fill out a....

Multiple Firearm Sale / Purchase Disposition

This is only if you purchase said handguns over the course of a single week in the same store.  I believe it was attempt to thwart straw purchases that would be smuggled.  The store simply must fax the form to the right ATF office by close of business.

Not like the ATF would give a shit about your pistols unless you were tracked buying several 92FS's, Glocks, Sigs, whatever in the same caliber in quantitites of two or more all over town.  The bitch should have kept her mouth shut.
Link Posted: 12/19/2006 7:21:50 PM EDT
That form is for multiple handguns in a certain timeframe. (forget the exact timeframe)

oops - got out-submitted. ;-)
Link Posted: 12/19/2006 7:28:16 PM EDT
In hindsight, I should have said:

"Well, I am screwed if the ATF shows up at my house. My guns are cooler than their guns and I could be arrested due to penis envy."
Link Posted: 12/19/2006 9:21:04 PM EDT
Multiple Sale or other disposition of pistol and revolvers form 3310.4
Acquire two or more handguns at one time or during five consecutive buisness days.
Link Posted: 12/19/2006 9:27:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2006 9:48:48 AM EDT
Yeah, that's the form. So you mean to tell me that every other LEO that purchases a carry weapon and a BUG at the same time has to have this thing filled out on them? That's insane. I could understand doing one on someone buying 5 firearms at once. I guess come tax refund time there are alot of AR15.com'ers that get these filled out on them. LOL!

Oh well. Your tax dollars at work...
Link Posted: 12/20/2006 9:57:36 PM EDT

This has been going on for several years.  Most of the time it is done by the office staff who do the record keeping for the daily transactions.  It usually is invisible to the customers.

I suppose the BATFE does keep track of these purchases.  A couple of times a year for the past five or six, I have qualified and have yet to get a call from the Feds.  Given the nature of your job, I doubt if you will hear from them either.

Be safe.
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 10:12:39 AM EDT
It's just another attempted "patch" to the stupid GCA.  You could go to a gun show and buy a handgun from every dealer there and never get reported.  1st, how is that bad, and 2)wouldn't that be fun?
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 10:19:23 AM EDT

I re-interated my career position to her, feeling that she might just be thinking that I was a shady character. I was wearing a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, an old sweatshirt and Doc Martens.

No wonder - you weren't wearing any pants!
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 10:21:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2006 11:14:23 AM EDT

In hindsight, I should have said:

"Well, I am screwed if the ATF shows up at my house. My guns are cooler than their guns and I could be arrested due to penis envy."
Link Posted: 12/24/2006 12:57:01 PM EDT
According to my Law Guide it states:  
Multiple Sales: Two or more from the same dealer in a five day period are already reported to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and must now be reported to local authorities as well.  Local authorities may not disclose the information, must destroy the records within 20 days from receipt if the transfer is not illegal and must certify every six months to the AG that they are complying with these provisions.

There ya have it.  Destroy the records (yeah right).
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 11:43:21 AM EDT

I could understand doing one on someone buying 5 firearms at once.

I couldn't.  What would you call that, "shall not be infringed, except for 5 at once?"
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 10:06:18 AM EDT
I recently purchased SEVEN lowers at once...no call. As far as they are concerend I bought seven semi auto rifles. i dunno.
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