At the end, where the MMM woman from Brooklyn was lamenting about how violent things are today from when she was growing up, I got kind of frustrated listening to her.
She was wailing about how back in the day, if you had a problem with someone, you'd just have a fist fight to settle your differences. Nobody had guns, that was something for the police and soldiers.
Now today, the kids want Uzis, they want 9mm's, and if they have a problem with someone, they just kill them.
But I was just thinking, they had Uzis and 9mm's back in the day. If anything, they were probably a lot easier to get. If you wanted a gun in the 70's or 60's, you could get one. What happened in the 90's that resulted in all these kids from the ghetto to Columbine that pushes them to kill? Why doesn't Switzerland with all their guns have the same problem to our degree?
These are questions the MMM and VPC dont want to address. They just fixate on the guns. Ban guns, they'll go away......just like drugs went away when they were banned.